News and Analysis

MULO Brands With Soul August Pick: Sheetz Street Fight

MULO Brands With Soul August Pick: Sheetz

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C-stores are a MULO (multi-location) brand category that often doesn’t get enough attention. Also known as convenience stores, the industry encompasses roadside retailers and neighborhood chains that we frequently rely on for last-minute grocery purchases, emergency items, and snacks/beverages. Given the transactional nature of these businesses, we don’t often consider them to have a “culture.” But Sheetz […]

Getting Brand Locations in AI-Powered Search Results Street Fight

Getting Brand Locations in AI-Powered Search Results

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AI search is here to stay. If you want to market your locations online, understanding the landscape is essential to making it work for your MuLo business.

Ad Costs and Spending are Both on the Rise, According to Skai Study Street Fight

Ad Costs and Spending are Both on the Rise, According to Skai Study

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Omnichannel advertising platform Skai recently published its Q2 2024 Digital Marketing Quarterly Trends Report.  It reveals topline growth numbers in retail media, paid search, and paid social were all positive, maintaining similar levels to those reported by Skai last quarter. The analysis found that advertisers paid more for clicks and impressions in Q2 2024, but […]


Apple’s ATT Privacy Crackdown, Strategies for Success in a Privacy-first Landscape Street Fight

Apple’s ATT Privacy Crackdown, Strategies for Success in a Privacy-first Landscape

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Three years have passed since Apple introduced its App Tracking Transparency (Apple’s ATT) privacy framework. Advertisers have faced numerous challenges since then, including a major shift in consumer behaviors due to a global pandemic, lingering macroeconomic challenges, and the potential implications of Google’s ever-changing cookie deprecation deadline. These issues have forced advertisers to adapt their […]

The Pause that Refreshes – How Ads During Paused Content Can Refresh in 2024 Street Fight

The Pause that Refreshes – How Ads During Paused Content Can Refresh in 2024

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Imagine this: You’re going through the motions and you take a quick break. You reach for your Coca-Cola and take a sip – it’s exactly what you needed. It was a small pause from your routine that captured and revived you, a pause that refreshes. This was the catchy tagline that encapsulated Coca-Cola as a […]

Retail Media - Enabling Brands to Shift to an Audience-first Mindset Street Fight

Retail Media – Enabling Brands to Shift to an Audience-first Mindset

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While retail media can trace its history back decades to humble in-store signage, cardboard cutout displays, and sampling tables, the retail media networks of 2024 are some of the most advanced advertising channels ever created. And with this sector forecast to hit a staggering $140bn ad spend worldwide this year, it has yet to fully […]

Latest Posts

The MULO Dozen: July Brands in Review Street Fight

The MULO Dozen: July Brands in Review

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Given the M&A activity that’s been going on in the MULO (multi-location) world these days, we’ve added a new section to our monthly dozen — DEALS. The reality of MULO is that unless brands listen to consumer voices, have strong leaders, and do the right deals, they may go BUST. The keys to BOOMING in […]

Solving the Identity Crisis: The Next Frontier for CTV Advertising Street Fight

Solving the Identity Crisis: The Next Frontier for CTV Advertising

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Driven by viewer demand for variety and convenience in content, Connected TV (CTV) has become one of the fastest-growing major advertising channels globally. A recent report in eMarketer stated that in the US alone, CTV advertising spend is projected to grow by 22.4% and reach $30.10 billion in 2024. Presenting a plethora of opportunities to […]

MULO Brands With Soul July Pick: Walmart Street Fight

MULO Brands With Soul July Pick: Walmart

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“It’s not just wages. Retailers are treating employees in a more insidious way.”  That was the headline of a recent opinion piece in the New York Times. The sad reality is that it may be true for many MULO (multi-location) retailers.  But we at Street Fight want to focus on those MULO retailers with heart, […]

Ad-Tech Experts Weigh In on Using GenAI Street Fight

Ad-Tech Experts Weigh In on Using GenAI

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“Experiments are easy, but scale is hard.” That’s according to Jennifer Fleck, Senior Principal at Slalom Consulting, who talked about the challenge of scaling GenAI initiatives. The key is in balancing innovation, risk and feasibility, she said. “Most of the GenAI we see happening at enterprise organizations right now is an ambitious idea that stays […]

EVs, Gas, and Targeted Marketing: The Future of Car Dealerships, According to Stirista

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Car dealerships, like many MULO (multi-location) businesses, are evolving. You can now buy used cars online, some dealerships are opening showrooms in shopping centers (rather than on traditional lots), and consumers are shopping around for the best deals nationwide. About 18K car dealerships exist in the U.S. today, but how consumers shop at them (and […]

Klaviyo Integration : Leveraging Pinterest for Enhanced Social Commerce Street Fight

Klaviyo Integration: Leveraging Pinterest for Enhanced Social Commerce

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Social commerce is growing rapidly, with US retail social-commerce sales projected to hit $80 billion, representing 5% of total US e-commerce by 2025. To stay competitive, brands must offer personalized experiences across various social media platforms.  To better support this direction, Klaviyo has expanded its ecosystem of over 350 integrations with the addition of Pinterest. […]

The People Have Spoken: BrightLocal Reveals Consumer MULO Review Ratings street fight

The People Have Spoken: BrightLocal Reveals Review Ratings

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When consumers search their small screens to decide where to shop, eat, buy groceries, or exercise, they often consult reviews. In fact, poor scores may send someone off to your competitors’ brands—never to return. We all know that UGC (user-generated content) and consumer reviews play a big role in decision-making today. The annual consumer review […]

Surveys 2.0: Chatmeter’s AI-Driven Solution for Enhanced Customer Insights

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Chatmeter has announced the release of Surveys 2.0, a new solution from its Pulse Ai: Signals platform. This AI-driven tool offers multi-location brands a 360° view of customer insights by continuously analyzing survey data, reviews, and social data in real-time. This looks to be the first time such comprehensive, real-time analysis has been available in […]

The Billboard Now Big Screens: OOH Trends from Kevin Bartanian Street Fight

The Billboard Now Big Screens: OOH Trends from Kevin Bartanian

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We know that many consumers today use their small screens (i.e., phones and tablets) to organize their lives, find the things and experiences they need, communicate with friends, family, and colleagues, and watch countless hours of strangers and animals doing bizarre and sometimes comical/inspirational things. Marketers from MULO (multi-location) brands use those screens to push […]

Can Target's Private Label Products Help Them Compete? Three Brand Experts Weigh In Street Fight

Can Target’s Private Label Products Help Them Compete? Three Brand Experts Weigh In

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Target launched its first private label brand in 1984 with the launch of the Honors clothing line. These product lines are now called “owned brands” by the MULO (multi-location) retail giant, which now has nearly 50 owned brands, some of which they have begun to sell to other retailers, making Target a wholesaler and shopping […]