The MULO Dozen: August Brands in Review Street Fight

The MULO Dozen: August Brands in Review

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Who says summer is slow? Not brands. So much is happening this August in the MULO (multi-location) brand and agency ecosystem that stopping at 12 was tough!

Have news to share? Please reach out and we may include your MULO brand, agency, or tech company in our round-up or a feature article!

  1. Like pizza toppings and crusts, sometimes it’s time for a change. Papa John’s appointed a new CEO. (LEADERS)
  2. Despite concerns about slow-downs, retail sales surged in July (BOOM)
  3. Eatertainment is booming, but some brands like TopGolf face challenges as the category matures. (BUST)
  4. But back to positive news! These MULO restaurant brands are doing well these days (BOOM)
  5. Some brands grapple with balancing brand values with business imperatives (especially regarding sustainability). The new Starbucks CEO has come under fire for commuting via private jet. (LEADERS)
  6. “Value” seemed to be the marketing keyword of the summer as MULO restaurant brands responded to pricing challenges. (CONSUMER VOICES)
  7. A category that seems to be on the rise is home entertainment. Perhaps consumers are preparing for winter hibernation. This trend has marketing implications, as streaming seems to be the place to reach buyers’ eyes and ears. (CONSUMER VOICES)
  8. Congratulations to the team at Skai for being named the overall ad tech solution. (BOOM)
  9. Big Lots will be closing stores. They are among discount MULO brands that are struggling, faced with growing competition in both the online and brick-and-mortar worlds (BUST)
  10. Sometimes things slip away from under us (literally). LL Flooring filed for bankruptcy  (BUST)
  11. As MULO big box stores close, pickling takes its place. The Picklr franchise is now valued at close to $60M. 
  12. As we head into autumn, pumpkin spice returns, joined by these other popular flavors. (INNOVATION)

We can’t guarantee that we’ll serve any of those up-and-coming flavors at  Street Fight LIVE on November 7th at Meta’s headquarters. But we WILL serve you all the key trends and insights you’ll need to run and scale your MULO brand, agency, or tech company!

Nancy A Shenker, senior editor with Street Fight, is a former big brand (Citibank, Mastercard, Reed Exhibitions) marketing strategist and leader. She has been featured in, the New York Times and Forbes.