News and Analysis

Mobility Data Optimizes Marketing for Retailers Amid New Lunch Trends Street Fight

Mobility Data Optimizes Marketing for Retailers Amid New Lunch Trends

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The working crowd still eats lunch. They just don’t do so at restaurants and take-out near their offices as much. Instead, they are saving their money to splurge on lunch out and drinks with friends on the weekends. A story on went so far as to declare that “the lunch rush is dead,” citing […]

The MULO Dozen: July Brands in Review Street Fight

The MULO Dozen: July Brands in Review

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Given the M&A activity that’s been going on in the MULO (multi-location) world these days, we’ve added a new section to our monthly dozen — DEALS. The reality of MULO is that unless brands listen to consumer voices, have strong leaders, and do the right deals, they may go BUST. The keys to BOOMING in […]

MULO Brands With Soul July Pick: Walmart Street Fight

MULO Brands With Soul July Pick: Walmart

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“It’s not just wages. Retailers are treating employees in a more insidious way.”  That was the headline of a recent opinion piece in the New York Times. The sad reality is that it may be true for many MULO (multi-location) retailers.  But we at Street Fight want to focus on those MULO retailers with heart, […]


Breaking Boundaries: Microsoft’s App Store and the Epic vs. Google Ripple Effect

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It has been an earth-shattering few weeks in the app ecosystem. First, in a groundbreaking move that has sent shockwaves through the tech industry, Microsoft has announced its plans to launch an app store within the Apple App Store – a move that holds significant implications for app developers, especially those in the gaming industry. […]

Third-party Cookies, The Future is Here

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The future is here. As the clock strikes midnight on December 31, 2023, another clock gets set into motion: the beginning of the end of third-party cookies. Google’s long-debated cookie depreciation will begin in January incrementally and support for them will be gone by the end of the year. While anyone tracking this environment has seen […]

5 Predictions for Digital Advertising in 2024

Unveiling the Crystal Ball: 5 Predictions for Digital Advertising in 2024

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As we say goodbye to 2023 and look forward to 2024, the digital advertising landscape is poised (yet again) for significant shifts and transformations. Here are five bold predictions that are set to reshape digital advertising in 2024. Political Ad Spend Will Soar to Unexpected Heights Creating Unanticipated CPM pain for ALL Marketers and Brands […]

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How To Sustain Media Buys in Black-Owned Media Street Fight

How To Sustain Media Buys in Black-Owned Media

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No single source seems able to pinpoint just how much brands allocate in dollars to ad inventory on Black-owned media in the U.S. But everyone seems to agree it should be more. This article cites media tracker Maven, which says there are upwards of 2,500 diverse-owned publishers alone and that 35% of those are Black-owned. […]

The MULO Dozen: April Brands in Review Street Fight

The MULO Dozen: April Brands in Review

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Another April …another 12 innovations, booms, busts, and leadership changes in the MULO (multi-location) world. Retailers and restaurants are always scaling, shrinking, and experimenting with new innovation, footprints, business models, and technologies. In addition to covering many of them throughout the month, these end-of-month wrap-ups are designed to give you even more news and ideas. Speaking […]

BUST: A Timeless Ice Cream Brand Melts Street Fight

BUST: A Timeless Ice Cream Brand Melts

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Oberweis Ice Cream and Dairy was founded in 1927 and is an iconic Midwest retail brand. It recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and is in the process of reorganizing. The company operates 43 locations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Missouri. While other ice cream brands thrive, Oberweis owes about $4 million to 20 creditors […]

Hidden Nuggets in Local Address Data for Retail Decisions Street Fight

Hidden Nuggets in Local Address Data for Retail Decisions

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It’s no secret that the past few years have been extremely challenging for inventory managers. In 2021 and early 2022, brands faced widespread inventory shortages, while the latter half of 2022 and 2023 saw massive excess inventory levels (as much as $740 billion in unsold goods) as brands worked to counteract the previous year’s shortages […]

Tinuiti Report: Temu Takes a Break Street Fight

Tinuiti Report: Temu Takes a Break

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Somebody must have given Temu a talking to. The e-commerce brand that offers very competitively priced items was glomming up ad inventory across social media throughout 2023 to the consternation of its competitors.  And then, just like that… it receded. Temu, which increased its ad spending a whopping 1,000% in 2023 from the previous year […]

Self-Checkout Grows Up (and Sometimes Phases Out) Street Fight

Self-Checkout Grows Up (and Sometimes Phases Out)

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As the cost of labor skyrockets (especially in California) and the size of the qualified talent pool shrinks for MULO (multi-location) brands, retailers and restaurants are looking for ways to automate and streamline all aspects of their operations. Self-checkout was introduced in the 1980s but didn’t take off and proliferate until 2001. Since their mass roll-out, […]

Another 'Tainment Category Sprouts Up Street Fight

Another ‘Tainment Category Sprouts Up

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You’ve likely heard of eatertainment and sportstainment. But a new category of ‘tainment is out in the field — agritainment! A huge complex in Arizona (on the site of a family farm) has been converted into a space where people can eat, learn about farming, participate in fun activities, and pick fruits and vegetables in season. […]

City Mattress Rests Easy with Agital Street Fight

City Mattress Rests Easy with Agital

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Just because it’s called City Mattress doesn’t mean it’s off-limits to suburbanites or dwellers of the exurbs. At least that’s if performance-marketing agency Agital has anything to say about it. The agency developed a cross-channel marketing strategy to drive foot traffic to physical stores by using the brand’s existing customer data bases for its 30+ […]

How AI Is Transforming Phone Calls Into Data

How AI Is Transforming Phone Calls Into Data

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“This call may be recorded for training and quality purposes”  We’ve all heard a version of this ubiquitous  message a thousand times.  Chances are we don’t even notice it any more due to a form of audio “ad blindness”.  Still, if we stop and think about it, interesting questions arise.  What are these recordings actually […]

Fat Brands Blasts Off for Success

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This writer was honored to be invited to an all-franchisee gathering of Fat Brands corporate team members, franchisees, and partners. Live events have made a comeback, as illustrated by the attendance of close to 2K people who enjoyed a close-up view of the Las Vegas Sphere, which was in keeping with the space theme of […]