Adapting PR as Your Target Audience Evolves Street Fight

Continuously Adapting as Your Target Audience Evolves

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PR professionals establish their clients’ campaigns on proven strategies, but they also adapt those strategies as campaigns unfold to make sure they are performing optimally. One factor that can significantly impact how they adapt strategies is the evolution of the client’s perfect target audience. Identifying the perfect target audience is one of the earliest steps […]

Adjusting Tone and Language While Building the Perfect Target Audience Street Fight

Adjusting Tone and Language While Building the Perfect Target Audience

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To streamline the pitching process, many public relations professionals will work from a pitch template that gives them a structure they can easily update with the information pertinent to any particular pitch. In addition to cutting down on the time it takes to prepare a pitch, templates also help to ensure important information for the […]

Identify Relevant News Outlets and Publications Street Fight

Identify Relevant News Outlets and Publications

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When brands engage with PR, they typically look for more than just media exposure. Their goal is to secure meaningful media exposure that boosts their brand authority. PR is only valuable if it gets a brand’s story in outlets and publications that connect with its target audience. To help their clients reach that goal, publicists […]

Context : Know Your Client’s Target Street Fight Audience

Know Your Client’s Target Audience

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Maximizing the impact of your communications — whether in marketing, public relations, or any other approach used to share a brand story — requires paying close attention to context. Without considering context, brands risk coming across as irrelevant or untrustworthy, even when they have a solid solution to a consumer problem. When context is properly […]