News and Analysis

BUST: A Timeless Ice Cream Brand Melts Street Fight

BUST: A Timeless Ice Cream Brand Melts

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Oberweis Ice Cream and Dairy was founded in 1927 and is an iconic Midwest retail brand. It recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and is in the process of reorganizing. The company operates 43 locations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Missouri. While other ice cream brands thrive, Oberweis owes about $4 million to 20 creditors […]

Hidden Nuggets in Local Address Data for Retail Decisions Street Fight

Hidden Nuggets in Local Address Data for Retail Decisions

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It’s no secret that the past few years have been extremely challenging for inventory managers. In 2021 and early 2022, brands faced widespread inventory shortages, while the latter half of 2022 and 2023 saw massive excess inventory levels (as much as $740 billion in unsold goods) as brands worked to counteract the previous year’s shortages […]

Tinuiti Report: Temu Takes a Break Street Fight

Tinuiti Report: Temu Takes a Break

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Somebody must have given Temu a talking to. The e-commerce brand that offers very competitively priced items was glomming up ad inventory across social media throughout 2023 to the consternation of its competitors.  And then, just like that… it receded. Temu, which increased its ad spending a whopping 1,000% in 2023 from the previous year […]


How to Fix Costly Subpar Data at the Source

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As marketers increasingly rely on their own first-party data, the elephant in the room needs to be addressed: subpar data will yield subpar outcomes. In fact, according to Gartner, data of poor quality costs organizations an average of $12.9 million every year. 

Goodbye, Wild West. Hello, New Data Strategy

Goodbye, Wild West. Hello, New Data Strategy

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While many brands see the new data paradigm as something to rally against or covertly manipulate, most see the inherent opportunities — opportunities that can create greater customer loyalty and, importantly, higher long-term revenue. Here’s how marketers are adapting their data strategies to the new frontier. 

Multi-Location Marketing Challenges

The Most Common Multi-Location Marketing Challenges and How to Overcome Them

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To make your life as a multi-channel marketer just a little bit easier, let’s talk about four of the most common multi-location marketing challenges—and how to overcome them.

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5 Consumer-Permissioned Data Platforms to Watch

5 Consumer-Permissioned Data Platforms to Watch

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The concept of data privacy has taken center stage in 2023. As consumers grow more aware of the value of their personal information — and the potential risks associated with its misuse — a new paradigm that places power back into the hands of individuals is beginning to emerge. Consumer-permissioned data platforms are at the […]

Generative AI is Revolutionizing SMB Marketing, But Creating New Data Privacy Challenges

Generative AI is Revolutionizing SMB Marketing, But Creating New Data Privacy Challenges

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The AI revolution has just begun, and small business owners are already reaping the rewards. Ninety-one percent of SMBs currently using AI say the technology has made their businesses more successful, but Scorpion Chief Data Scientist Matt Bentley believes the greatest benefit to generative AI is below the surface, and not yet realized by many […]

LOMA Wants to Fund Hyperlocal Marketing

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Alex Nocifera is the founder and CEO of LOMA, which launched in market this past July. Backed by top Los Angeles-based venture funds, Wavemaker, Slauson, and Impulsum, LOMA stands for “local marketing” and is an always-on, data-driven platform that has raised more than $2 million in a pre-seed venture-capital round. LOMA’s equity dollars help businesses […]

Retail Media Networks – Opportunity vs. Reality

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Retail media networks have grown in popularity amid the growing emphasis on ROI across today’s complex consumer purchase journeys and recent restrictions on third-party cookie usage. Many advertisers are eager to take advantage of retail media’s unique targeting opportunities. These include a blend of online and offline data gleaned from retailers themselves and available within […]

he Power of Place: Retailers Revolutionize Store Location Selection with Geospatial Intelligence

Retailers Revolutionize Store Location Selection with Geospatial Intelligence

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It’s a tale as old as time. A retailer picks a storefront, leases a building, and renovates a space — only to discover that the location itself is a dud. Maybe there isn’t enough foot traffic, or parking is too difficult. Or maybe shoppers in the neighborhood just aren’t interested in buying whatever products the […]

StoreConnect, a Trailblazing Force in E-commerce, Raises $9 Million

StoreConnect, a Trailblazing Force in E-commerce, Raises $9 Million

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E-commerce has come into focus as a critical solution — sometimes the only solution — for small and mid-size businesses that want to sell outside their physical stores and collect insights into consumer behavior. Given the important role that online sales now play in local commerce, it’s no surprise that firms focused on the e-commerce […]

Search Fails May Cost Retailers as Much as $13.8B in Sales This Holiday Season

Search Fails May Cost Retailers as Much as $13.8B in Sales This Holiday Season

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MULO (multi-location) retailers struggle to compete with Amazon, the online giant.  But they are never going to win that battle if they don’t focus on search for the holiday season. A new study by Nosto reveals that as much as $13.8B in sales may be lost on Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) because when consumers […]

Party On! Bankruptcy for Party City May Not Be the End

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The media is filled with stories these days of MULO (multi-location) retailers closing stores and doors and declaring bankruptcy. Our BUST series covered Bed Bath & Beyond, Jenny Craig, Christmas Tree Shops, and others.  But before you start ringing the death knell on one more MULO brick-and-mortar retailer or restaurant, be aware that the party […]

Mailchimp Launches GenAI-Powered Marketing Assistant for SMBs

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The email marketing and newsletter giant Mailchimp is at it again. Earlier this week, the company launched its latest game-changing solution for SMBs — a marketing assistant powered by generative AI. Intuit Assist for Mailchimp is expected to help businesses generate content, personalize their marketing, and learn faster from their marketing mistakes. Rather than being […]

Head of the Class — Back-to-School Marketing Language Trends

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Very few seasons connote change the way the back-to-school season does. Even for those of us who are no longer in school, the shorter days and cooler mornings mean that a new school year (and, by default, autumn, if you live somewhere lucky enough to experience it) is soon upon us. And every time summer […]