News and Analysis

Weight Loss Centers Firm Up Street Fight

Weight Loss Centers Firm Up

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The weight management industry in the U.S. generated $90B in revenue in 2023. Fed by demand for weight loss drugs (contributing close to $12B in sales), trimming down seems timeless, although brick-and-mortar centers have evolved over the years. Weight Watchers was founded in 1963 by Jean Nidetch and grew to thousands of locations worldwide. In 2018, […]

Raptive Connects Brands to Diverse Creator Media Street Fight

Raptive Connects Brands to Diverse Creator Media

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When Raptive, which describes itself as a “creator media” company, launched Raptive Represents earlier this month to provide direct access to premium, diverse creator media at scale, it was also part of its partnership with Media Framework’s Media Advertising Vendor Encoding & Nomenclature (MAVEN). MAVEN helps buyers understand which media are majority-owned and controlled by diverse owners and supplies certificates so […]

"Momentjacking" is the New Holiday Promotion Street Fight

“Momentjacking” is the New Holiday Promotion

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You may have heard of “newsjacking.” It simply means that brands and influencers plan their social media posting and content around current events and consumer trends.  However, as the world (and social media feeds) move faster than ever before and people jump on a wide range of “fauxlidays” (contrived holidays meant mostly for marketing purposes), reality […]


A Marketer’s Guide to Transitioning from Third-Party Cookies Street Fight

A Marketer’s Guide to Transitioning from Third-Party Cookies

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Third-party cookies are going away. Not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but in the months to come, marketers will come face-to-face with the reality of a new world of marketing measurement. Google appears to be committed to their complete blocking of third-party cookies in Chrome by the end of 2024, so marketers need to prepare […]

The Urgency of Embracing AI in Media and Advertising Street Fight

Embracing AI in Media and Advertising

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History changes slowly and then overnight. A mere two years ago, the early publicly-available generative AI models from OpenAI, Microsoft, Google looked like curiosities–intriguing but plagued by obvious limitations. Today these models have advanced so far and so fast that they are already well on their way to changing media and advertising forever. AI is […]

How Consumers Are Rewriting the Rules for Brand Accountability Street Fight

Voices Amplified: How Consumers Are Rewriting the Rules for Brand Accountability

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Today, consumer voices can be magnified across channels with the click of a button. The power of the consumer is undergoing a seismic shift, providing both opportunities and challenges to  businesses around the world as they rewrite the “rules” of brand accountability. Traditional online review sites are no longer the only medium to share opinions. […]

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Hidden Nuggets in Local Address Data for Retail Decisions Street Fight

Hidden Nuggets in Local Address Data for Retail Decisions

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It’s no secret that the past few years have been extremely challenging for inventory managers. In 2021 and early 2022, brands faced widespread inventory shortages, while the latter half of 2022 and 2023 saw massive excess inventory levels (as much as $740 billion in unsold goods) as brands worked to counteract the previous year’s shortages […]

Tinuiti Report: Temu Takes a Break Street Fight

Tinuiti Report: Temu Takes a Break

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Somebody must have given Temu a talking to. The e-commerce brand that offers very competitively priced items was glomming up ad inventory across social media throughout 2023 to the consternation of its competitors.  And then, just like that… it receded. Temu, which increased its ad spending a whopping 1,000% in 2023 from the previous year […]

Self-Checkout Grows Up (and Sometimes Phases Out) Street Fight

Self-Checkout Grows Up (and Sometimes Phases Out)

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As the cost of labor skyrockets (especially in California) and the size of the qualified talent pool shrinks for MULO (multi-location) brands, retailers and restaurants are looking for ways to automate and streamline all aspects of their operations. Self-checkout was introduced in the 1980s but didn’t take off and proliferate until 2001. Since their mass roll-out, […]

Another 'Tainment Category Sprouts Up Street Fight

Another ‘Tainment Category Sprouts Up

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You’ve likely heard of eatertainment and sportstainment. But a new category of ‘tainment is out in the field — agritainment! A huge complex in Arizona (on the site of a family farm) has been converted into a space where people can eat, learn about farming, participate in fun activities, and pick fruits and vegetables in season. […]

City Mattress Rests Easy with Agital Street Fight

City Mattress Rests Easy with Agital

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Just because it’s called City Mattress doesn’t mean it’s off-limits to suburbanites or dwellers of the exurbs. At least that’s if performance-marketing agency Agital has anything to say about it. The agency developed a cross-channel marketing strategy to drive foot traffic to physical stores by using the brand’s existing customer data bases for its 30+ […]

How AI Is Transforming Phone Calls Into Data

How AI Is Transforming Phone Calls Into Data

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“This call may be recorded for training and quality purposes”  We’ve all heard a version of this ubiquitous  message a thousand times.  Chances are we don’t even notice it any more due to a form of audio “ad blindness”.  Still, if we stop and think about it, interesting questions arise.  What are these recordings actually […]

Fat Brands Blasts Off for Success

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This writer was honored to be invited to an all-franchisee gathering of Fat Brands corporate team members, franchisees, and partners. Live events have made a comeback, as illustrated by the attendance of close to 2K people who enjoyed a close-up view of the Las Vegas Sphere, which was in keeping with the space theme of […]

How B2C Marketers are Spending in 2024 Street Fight

How B2C Marketers are Spending in 2024

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A new study among senior-level B2C marketers was just completed by Stirista, a company that offers data-driven performance marketing. Among the highlights of this 200-executive survey are: Marketers are optimistic. An overwhelming 91% of respondents have a positive outlook on meeting or exceeding marketing goals over the next year. Although 81% of marketers have seen […]

Investing in AI Tools Leads to Better Outcomes for Marketers Street Fight

Investing in AI Tools Leads to Better Outcomes for Marketers

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The hype for AI has reached a crescendo, with companies across all industries introducing AI tools and endless amounts of news coverage touting its potential as a game-changer. While it has mostly remained a buzzword for many industries, it has already become a difference maker for marketers. According to a recent study, 41% of marketers […]

Vericast Introduces nCountR Platform and Market Experience Center for Retail Advertising Innovation Street Fight

Vericast Introduces nCountR Platform and Market Experience Center for Retail Advertising Innovation

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Despite the rise of e-commerce, in-store experiences remain crucial for retailers. Recent studies indicate that a significant portion of consumers still prefer to make their purchases in physical stores, underscoring the importance of effective in-store advertising strategies. Against this backdrop,  Vericast has unveiled the name of its advanced retail media platform: nCountR. Alongside this announcement […]