Local Quotables: Stangel, Biggs, Hyslop and More
The best words about and around the hyperlocal industry. Luke Stangel thinks augmented reality development could mean huge things for hyperlocal; John Biggs blasts hot new app Highlight for sharing users’ information without permission; Kate Hyslop reinforces the importances of an online presence for local businesses; and more…
Local Quotables: Mason, Sheetz, Evans and more
The best words about and around the hyperlocal industry.
Andrew Mason realizes Groupon has fallen short with its social media presence; Ashley Sheetz from Gamestop explains why she backed out of Facebook’s failing virtual market; Perry Evans discusses the changing relationship between local businesses and consumers; and more.
Local Quotables: Dorsey, Josic, Brody & More
This week’s top quotes come from Twitter and Summify as they discuss their new partnership in order to increase delivery of instant, relevant news. This week also features Harvard researchers explaining why some ventures succeed and Boyan Josic of Daily Deal Media asserting the growing success of daily deals companies…
Local Quotables: Hallinan, Mason, Rainert, Bass and more
This week’s best quote was from Groupon CEO Andrew Mason, who defended his company from attacks on its business model — saying the issues critics pointed to were simply due to Groupon’s rapid growth. This week’s quotes also feature Foursquare’s plan for a new web presence, a new definition for “hyperlocal,” and the integration of social media into television…
Local Quotables: Hartley, Gardner, Thompson and more
This week’s quotes focus on advertising, technology and new businesses. Sarah Hartley describes how the end of a site can be good while Scott Thompson, newly-appointed CEO of Yahoo talks about the beginning of a new Yahoo. Pat McDevitt discusses the community’s role in advertising, Jonathan Gardner talks about how advertising will change and more.
Local Quotables: Moyal, Mims, Tolles, Lessin and more…
As the first week of 2012 commences, everyone is speculating about what will happen this year in the hyperlocal industry. Jonathan Moyal sees Lucky Ant helping communities play a bigger role in local business. Jeremy Mims predicts growth for Groupon and Michelle Jones hopes to create an alternative to Yelp. Also, Sam Lessin describes how Facebook’s check-in with timelines is an entirely new kind of LBS and more.
Local Quotables: Crowley, Owens, Gallo, Cheong and more…
The quote of the week goes to the folks at Starboard Value LP, which owns a 4.5% stake in AOL and holds a seat on the board. In a letter to the company, Starboard went on the attack against AOL’s media business… with a pointed mention of Patch. The Batavian’s Howard Owens predicts Patch won’t survive 2012; journo Jane Stevens gets revolutionary; and Foursquare’s Dennis Crowley weighs in on Siri…
Local Quotables: Mutter, Orrick, Rainert, Grubisich, Cocotas and more…
This week in hyperlocal: Positive predictions for Groupon from Barclays Capital; thumbs-down on Yelp from BI Research. Foursquare’s Alex Rainert thinks we should teach code to kids; Alan Mutter foresees a tech buying spree on local in 2012; Street Fight’s Grubisich eyes the Westchester shoot-out; and more:
Local Quotables: Rick Waghorn, DJ Patil, Michael Fives, Emily Chang & More…
It’s not easy being a reporter on the daily Groupon deals beat these days. So says fatigued Emily Chang at Bloomberg West. And why did Foursquare win over Gowalla? Because if you can make it in New York, pretty much no one else stands a chance. Or, in the pith provided by one Gowalla investor on why that service lost: “Austin.”
Local Quotables: Seth Priebatsch, Chris Dixon, Dan Street and more…
Chris Dixon sends kudos to Foursquare’s latest release; Seth Priebatsch gets excited about the evolution of money as it moves further online; Steve Buttry gets an endorsement; Josh Fenton talks hyperlocal publishing success; and Dan Street describes the evolution of local as “not a search problem.”
Local Quotables: Gary Cowan, Patrick Kitano, Clara Shih and more…
The best words about and around the hyperlocal industry. Don’t dismiss local newspapers’ brand equity with audiences, says Ron Blevins from hyperlocal agency Novus. Datasphere’s Gary Cowan notes that hyperlocal news only exists because of some great software platforms; Jed Kleckner from Delivery.com brings out the environmental benefits of hyperlocal; and the Journal Register’s John […]
Local Quotables: Erik Martin, Benjamin Berkowitz, Naveen Selvadurai and more…
The best words about and around the hyperlocal industry. This week in the hyperlocal industry, Trada’s Niel Robertson says that location is “only a technical constraint,” Goshi’s Jack Eisenberg talks about the potential of targeting specific tastes, SeeClickFix’s Ben Berkowitz notes, with tongue firmly in cheek, that toilet-paper ads are “good location based advertising!” Lance […]
Local Quotables: BJ Emerson, John Paton, Matt McAlister and more…
The best words about and around the hyperlocal industry. Lots of talk about Groupon this week — its friends-and-family start; who its competitors are; what merchants think. Yipit’s Jim Moran makes a quip about the Groupon-Living Social rivarly. In non-Groupon news, John Paton extends an apology in response to a controversial Journal Register article, and […]
Local Quotables: Steve Buttry, Jeff DeBalko, Eric Friedman and more…
The best words about and around the hyperlocal industry. At the Street Fight Summit, the quote of the event came from Datasphere’s Gary Cowan. Elsewhere, John Byers cautioned on the long-term repercussions of working with Groupon and Yipit’s David Sinsky had some serious analysis on the company. Meanwhile, Journal Register’s Jim Brady and Steve Buttry both […]
Local Quotables: BJ Emerson, Joe Meyer, Tim O’Shaugnessy and more…
In this week’s column, of all people, the VP of technology at Tasti-D-Lite, BJ Emerson, turned a sharp tongue on location-based services at the LocNav conference in San Jose (“they used to call it ‘stalking'”). Jim Brady talked scale; Joe Meyer described the realization that there was a business in local companies; and one small business owner cleverly noted that Twitter and Facebook don’t do a local merchant much good “if people don’t know where you are located.” Read all of this week’s the wise words and wise-cracks around and about the hyperlocal industry.
Local Quotables: Richard Jones, Ellis Hamburger, Bo Fishback and more..
The best words about and around the hyperlocal industry.
Wise words from the outgoing editor of the Saddleworth News; a first-time Foursquarer questions what it’s all about; Yipit’s Vin raises the Google-Groupon question; and Ben Ilfeld comments on the new indie hyperlocal trade association formed last weekend in Chicago. More: