Augment My Town: Local’s Next Turf Battle

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AR fuses the digital and physical. So, could it assist in the vexing and longstanding challenge of closing the online/offline gap? We’re starting to see signals that it might. 

On-Page Content Differentiation: The Benefits of Location-based Messaging

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Content consists of more than just your copy block, though it’s a great place to start. Adding product information, featured collections, and highlighted services are all elements that enhance your on-page content strategy. Understanding what’s popular in that specific area and how customers are searching for your products or services in that area can help guide your content strategy to differentiation and success. Therefore, it is key to create content attuned to regional differences, or location.

The Covid-19 Pandemic at One Year: How Payments Have Changed Forever

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The payments industry will move forward from the seismic shifts in behavior we’ve seen to new puzzles: how to make a card top of wallet, how to expand the on-demand economy to new product groups, and how the Buy Now, Pay Later space evolves in time. But the changes we’ve seen will impact the course of the industry for years to come. How merchants and payment providers adapt to these changes will have a key part to play in how they recover from the impact of the pandemic.

How Audio OOH Can Withstand Emerging Privacy Regulations

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Audio OOH enables advertisers to reach the right audience, and reporting tools can help them decipher how their audio ad influences a customer’s path to purchase. This type of product-level transactional data will be crucial as advertisers continue to clash with harsh but growing privacy regulations.

FocalPoint Raises $8m to Improve GPS Accuracy

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers TmrO app creating connections between freelancers and the music and film industries, FocalPoint raising £6 million to improve GPS accuracy, Chipotle investing in driverless company Nuro, and Whole Foods tapping into AR cosmetics try-on tools.

The Privacy Endgame

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There is an endgame that can put a stop to drip-drip privacy changes. A reality in which large corporations go back to not knowing the intimate details of their consumers’ lives and are still able to use technology to provide better user experiences through hyper-personalized engagement. A reality in which consumers can enjoy personalized experiences at exactly the right moment without broadcasting their location to anyone. A reality in which it is technology, not fine print, that protects both consumers and corporations.

The Deprecation of Cookies Leads to a New Probabilistic Playbook

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The upshot is that deterministic approaches via walled gardens will still have importance, but they will simply become a strategy play as opposed to a catch-all approach for digital marketing. It’s apparent that any brands buying or relying on deterministic audiences need to augment their solutions to ensure they meet their ongoing campaign goals.

How Deep Learning Can Boost Small Businesses

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With e-commerce and the reach afforded by the internet, local businesses now have the opportunity to look beyond their community to find customers and generate enough revenue to keep afloat.

Contact Center Should Be the Marketing Engine

Contact Centers Should Be Marketing Engines

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With so much now happening in the contact center, it seems it is indeed an often untapped source of marketing gold — if marketers can glean meaningful insights out of it. that is. So, how can marketing executives accomplish that?

Reveal Mobile Logs a Patent on “Custom Tagging”

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers Safegraph raising $45M, the bLinkup app providing Covid safety ratings on bars and restaurants, Reveal Mobile receiving a patent on “custom tagging,” and Apple dropping a hint at wearable tech with a new patent of its own.

Google’s Ad Changes: The King Just Built a Moat Around His Castle

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The initial frenzy over Google’s news regarding its latest privacy updates has abated, and now it’s time to really think about what it means – for Google, for brands, and for the industry as a whole.

As governments have lit a fire under brands and consumers have become more data-conscious, the future of marketing and advertising is unfolding before us. Let’s take a dive into what it all really signifies.

Brand Marketing 2.0: Brand is Back, But Expectations Have Changed

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The allure of immediately seeing metrics like clicks, downloads, or form completions outweighed instincts to make investments that pay dividends over the longer term. No longer.

Sprint to Success with Agile Marketing

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Even though agile marketing has been around for a couple of decades, keep in mind that it’s a modern approach for today’s marketers — in keeping with the focus on data. With the right martech to support performance measurement needs (using metrics that are credible outside of marketing), you can sprint to success with agile marketing.

Retailing in the Post Covid-19 World

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Throughout the pandemic, lockdowns and safety restrictions have forced retailers to tweak their operations and strategies in accordance with changing circumstances around them. AI has played a key role in helping retailers adapt to the conditions of today and those on the horizon.

With that in mind, here are three key areas where AI is helping retailers cope with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Contextual Ads and Brand Suitability Are the Future of Targeting

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Cookies and blocklists put brands on the back foot. Brand suitability draws on perception and customization to make sure that surrounding content makes sense for the brand’s image and customer base. And, when you combine this with context-informed targeting and human intelligence, brand suitability is the more powerful approach to engage with today’s consumers and customers in a way that also helps to future-proof today’s savvy brands.

Clearlake Acquires Precisely in $3.5B Deal

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers Google making hotel search listings free, WazeAds and Mojo’s coffee campaign, T-Mobile enrolling all customers in an ad-targeting program, and Clearlake re-acquiring Precisely in a $3.5B deal.

Setting Up A Post-Pandemic E-Commerce Boom Strategy

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The previous year shattered expectations based on forecasts going into 2020. For e-commerce brands, it brought both challenges and opportunities with more shoppers than ever adopting new online buying habits. Still, it would be wise for businesses to think about what happens once consumers feel more comfortable venturing back into brick-and-mortar businesses. By having a strong D2C strategy that is agile and customer-centric and with the right infrastructure to grow globally, businesses can feel more confident for whatever the future holds.

Why Local News Sponsorships Are More Relevant than Ever

Why Local News Sponsorships Are More Relevant than Ever

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Taken together, current events have resulted in a heightened opportunity for brand sponsorships of local news organizations and broadcasts. Let’s examine why these sponsorships are receiving increased attention from advertisers, and the various forms the sponsorships can take.

How Retailers Can Tackle Supply Chain Data Risk

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Information security professionals should be included in supply chain management from early planning stages to realization to ensure at-risk data is protected.

What Emerging Tech is Driving Localized Brand Marketing?

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Running an emerging tech-driven digital agency, Maher is on the front lines of marketing innovation for brand clients like Panera and Bolle. For both of those campaigns, there was a local component, including Panera’s in-store AR integrations and Bolle’s local activations at Dick’s Sporting Goods.

To anticipate the upcoming Street Fight Summit and Maher’s speaking role, we sat down with him for his view on the drivers and dynamics of digital marketing. Here’s our dialogue with Maher on the biggest brand marketing trends and value drivers he’s tracking.