How AI Is Driving the Next Generation of Ad Creative

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Most industries have a healthy fear that artificial intelligence is going to render humans obsolete (and even possibly take over the world). But for the digital advertising industry, if applied the right way, AI has the potential to improve production and performance by making more room for original ideas without stripping away reliance on humans.

The Future of CTV Advertising: What Brands Need to Know

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With chatter pointing to the fact that we are entering an endemic era globally, many brands and marketers are discussing how to make their ad budgets drive positive outcomes in what may be another tumultuous year ahead. As the number of CTV viewers continues to rise, so will ad spend; the latest projections forecast CTV ad spend to grow by 23% in 2022.

‘Good’ Third-Party Data Rides to the Rescue

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The “good” third-party data comes from non-cookie sources, such as demographic maps, the use of discount and loyalty cards, public records about real estate transactions, and many other sources, because it’s diversified and anchored to real-world activity. And getting more contact points using third-party data doesn’t just help with marketing outreach, it also helps with linkage, deduplication, and updating or corroborating dated information.

Location-Based Marketing in 2021 — and What to Expect for 2022

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association reviews location based marketing’s 2021 events and covers what the industry can expect this year.

Beyond Localization: How Ultra-Targeted Email Newsletters Help Publishers Drive Engagement and Revenue

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For many years, email had been overlooked and undervalued as new channels emerged to steal the limelight — and budget. Now, this stalwart channel has come full circle, once again becoming the centerpiece of audience engagement for brands and publishers for its direct, affordable solution to content targeting and personalization. As the industry looks to move forward in a post-cookie world, email is proving to be the most effective and trusted channel for helping publishers drive new revenue and business growth.

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Predictions: First-Party Data, Personalization, and Curated Marketplaces

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Each month, Street Fight sources expert insights from the businesses in our ecosystem on our theme. This month’s theme is 2022 predictions, and our experts share their takes on first-party data, personalization, curated ad marketplaces, and retail media.

Priorities Marketers Should Consider in 2022

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As 2022 approaches, marketers are entering yet another year of great uncertainty as they try to navigate the impending elimination of third-party cookies, privacy updates, and new consumer behaviors. So, let’s dive in. What are some of the biggest areas of focus for marketers next year?

LBMA: Heineken Tackles Supply Chain Crisis

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers Hyatt rolling out room keys via Apple Wallet, the New York Mets launching facial ticketing at Citi Field, Foodtown Supermarkets completing a successful pilot with Allegiance Retail Services, and Heineken getting into the Christmas spirit to solve supply chain woes.

The Influence of Local Guides on Google Reviews: Part 2

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Figuring out what type of Local Guides are leaving reviews, and what kind of reviews they are leaving, matters for a few reasons. First, Local Guides are responsible for writing more reviews of local businesses than any other group on the internet. Second, Local Guides write reviews under circumstances that make them different from ordinary consumers: They are self-selected volunteers who get rewarded, albeit in a non-monetary fashion, for their contributions. Fairly or not, they are often thought of as biased and their contributions as less valuable, merely “written for points.” Third, the true characteristics of Local Guides are not well known, because they have not yet been subject to this type of study.

Roundup: 2022 Predictions on CTV/OTT and Adtech

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Each month, Street Fight sources expert insights from the businesses in our ecosystem on our theme. This month’s theme is 2022 predictions, and our experts share their takes on B2B streaming advertising, capitalizing on first-party data, ad automation, and digital video content.

What I Learned from 50 Examples of the New Local SERP

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After conducting more than 50 “local intent” searches, I’ve found that not all of them return the new “mega map,” nor is the new layout as consistent as it at first appeared it would be. The range of searches I tried includes generic keyword searches for brick-and-mortar stores, such as the example above, as well as searches for local service providers, chain stores, products, and more. I tried covering a broad base of searches covering a range of categories. I made sure all of my searches would be interpreted as local by appending “san francisco” to each query.

Catch-(20)22: Where Do Mobile Apps Go from Here?

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The privacy solution is sitting right in front of marketers’ faces. Shifting data analysis onto the mobile device of each user is the path out of this impossible situation. Not only does it solve the privacy issue, it also makes it possible to enrich previously available data with much richer datasets, some of which are available immediately upon download.

Superior Customer Experience is the Gift that Keeps on Giving All Year Long

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All brands and retailers are competing against each other for sales this holiday season, and the surge in e-commerce has favored big retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and Target thanks to accessibility, convenience, and marketing dollars. Local businesses, which previously thrived on outpacing big brands with superior in-person customer service, are now being pushed to adapt to the new consumer, one who spends less time browsing a retail location and more time scrolling online.

LBMA: Alexa Arrives in NYC Christmas Window Displays

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers Skyhook signing a partnership with Sigfox, Asda partnering with GoodMaps to help the visually impaired navigate stores, Girls trying coding inside Doja Cat’s new music video, and Alexa in a Pear Tree — Alexa arrives in NYC Christmas window displays.

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2022 Predictions: Immersive Tech Edition

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Here are three predictions for what could happen at the intersection of immersive tech and local commerce. And because I often disparage broad predictions that don’t have any teeth, we’ve included action-specific or figure-based statements in each prediction (highlighted in bold).

Roundup: 2022 Adtech & Martech Predictions

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Each month, Street Fight sources expert insights from the businesses in our ecosystem on our theme. This month’s theme is 2022 predictions, and our experts share their takes on measurement and advertising optimization, consumer trust, contextual ads, and marketing with social good as a guiding principle.

SOCi Study Finds 62% of Google Reviews Are Written by Local Guides

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Local Guides write most of the reviews on Google today — about 62% of all reviews, in fact. In the restaurant category, the dominance of Local Guides is even greater, with Local Guides writing about 69% of all reviews.

2022 Will Reshape the Future of Ad Tech

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ID solutions for the open web are going to be invaluable for publisher monetization, so in 2022 collaboration will dramatically increase. ID partners in 2021 operated in the identity arena like a circular firing squad. Everyone claims their privacy is better than others, and everyone who has a solution wants to say theirs is the only one that works. In reality, all have to work together.

Mobile Marketing Trends for 2022

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Companies had to act quickly to respond to sudden changes within the mobile marketing ecosystem as user activity shifted and time spent online increased. If you are wondering what to expect in the mobile marketing ecosystem for 2022, this guide will help you set expectations and stay ahead of the curve. Here are three mobile marketing trends that must be on your radar in 2022.

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Converting Scrollers into Shoppers: Why Social Commerce is Key for Holiday Retail Success

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The use of social commerce is gaining momentum, and it presents a huge opportunity for retailers to establish meaningful connections with consumers. In fact, 93% of executives are already moving their e-commerce strategies to social media, and 79% expect to use social media to sell products and services over the next three years, according to data from the Harris Poll and Sprout Social.