Snap Scales Up its Geo-Local AR Ambitions

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Snap’s AR lens playbook started with a handful of in-house lenses like rainbow vomit and dog ears, before opening up the Lens Studio platform to creators everywhere. And it seems to be working, given that Snap now gets 6 billion daily lens plays. Could geo-local AR be next?

mobile payments

The Future of Personalization Requires Direct Engagement with Consumers

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We can probably all agree that to attempt personalization and get it wrong is worse than not doing it at all. No one wants to invest significant money into data collection to not see the ROI, and consumers don’t want to see irrelevant messaging from brands. So, how can marketers effectively personalize their communications and understand the human they are trying to reach behind the screen?

Mixing the Right Ingredients for Powerful, Clickable Content

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In the age of social media and incessant scrolling, marketers can easily lose prospective customers’ attention. How can one create Instagram or Twitter-worthy content that not only draws eyeballs but also compels shoppers to make a purchase? By laying the proper groundwork, striking the right emotional chord, and getting creative, business can create powerful, clickable content.

Refocusing the Contextual Advertising Conversation on Outcomes

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It’s time to stop getting hung up in the jargon. Instead, let’s talk about what really matters to marketers: outcomes and how to secure them.

Location-Based Marketing Association: Uber Launches In-App Entertainment Booking

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association discusses Uber launching in-app entertainment booking, AT&T using street lamps to ramp up 5G coverage, Narvar picking up returns from customers’ homes, and Area launching geo-location NFT platform.

The Evolution of Sponsorships in the Event Industry

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What might the future bring with ads and sponsorships within the event industry? Plenty more innovation, whether the events are in person or hybrid. Maybe we’ll see a 10-second advertisement prior to a session starting — or a quick ad in between sessions.

Super Bowl Advertising

Could Delivery Service Partners Offer Restaurants More Than a Lifeline?

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Data and AI enabled the digitization of advertising a decade ago. Now, those same forces that drove innovation and transformation in advertising are changing the dynamics between restaurants and delivery service partners. DSPs are becoming more than a lifeline. They’re helping fundamentally change how restaurants and the industry operate while also helping to create the omnichannel restaurant business of the future.

Inform Your Multichannel Customer Experience Strategy

The Post-App Era: Optimizing Customer Interactions with Personalization

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Now is the time to pivot. Shifting the focus to mobile and social messaging channels might seem like a tall order, but optimizing customer interactions through these channels can be easily accomplished if brands increase their social touch points with consumers. After all, a customer journey is only successful if you understand the customer’s needs upfront.

First-Party Data Alone Can’t Satisfy Many Marketing Needs

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When it comes to third-party data, the old Mark Twain quote applies: “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” The end of the cookie is not the same as the end of third-party data. There are multiple third-party data options for marketers that are inherently privacy-conscious, regulation-satisfying, and that work with the policies being implemented by big-tech.

Meeting the Heightened Demand for Timely Local Information

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With businesses closing temporarily due to government mandate, or changing their offerings or hours significantly in response to the pandemic, consumers turned to local search too with a heightened, even sometimes critical need to access the latest information. This heightened demand has not disappeared.

How Digital Marketing Can Spur Tax Refund Shopping

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Although expenses are on the rise and saving is top of mind, shoppers still want to make purchases and plan fun experiences. Well-timed emails, easy and convenient online purchases, enticing discounts, and new technology will entice careful spenders to indulge in life’s little luxuries.

Location-Based Marketing Association: Precisely Launches a Property Graph

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association discusses Precisely launching a property graph, PlaceSense and Senozon creating a European partnership, Gucci and Sandbox launching a virtual store in the metaverse, and Qmetrix and Via Guide teaming up on an AI-driven airport checkpoint system.

4 Ways Data Collaboration Will Change Retail for the Better

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While there are countless ways data collaboration can reshape a retailer’s business, there are four standout applications that enable retailers to succeed.

Ad Tech and Privacy

5 Things You Need to Know about Zero-Party Data

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Zero-party data, a topic that has been around since former VP and Principal Analyst, Fatemeh Khatibloo of Forrester, coined it as such years ago recently set off a Twitter debate as to whether zero-party data is real or if it’s all just first-party data in disguise. Here are the five things you need to know about zero-party data so you can decide for yourself.

The Next Frontier of the Mobile App Ecosystem

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Here are the five mobile marketing-related developments I see happening in 2022, no matter what is going on with the economy, politics, or any of the other highly fluctuating variables we’ve all gotten used to.

customer experience retail

The Future of Customer Experience is Hybrid

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A post-pandemic future gives businesses the chance to evaluate how to best do business and what exactly consumers will value. Brick-and-mortar businesses have an incredible opportunity to redefine what the new local hybrid experience looks like.

Local Platforms Promote Integrity with Consumer Confidence at Risk

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Nextdoor is the latest local platform to publish what it calls a Transparency Report, designed to offer information to the public about efforts made to maintain an online community that is free from problematic content. In Nextdoor’s case, the focus is on reducing incidents of hate speech and incivility in order to promote healthy community interaction.

Why and How Businesses Should Embrace Product-Led Growth

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For SaaS organizations especially, PLG can open up new revenue channels, giving you a competitive advantage by making it easy for customers to understand the value of your product. PLG becomes an efficient, no-touch way to scale revenue, affording customers the ability to self-serve and self-select without being weighed down by a traditional sales cycle.

consumer trends retail

The Power of Choice is Rekindling the Connection Between Consumers and Marketers

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As with any change, opportunities to respond are plenty, and they start with control. The simple gesture of offering an end user the ability to exert at least some level of control over their advertising experiences is a step in the right direction.

It’s Time to Leverage the Entire Digital World in Your Marketing Strategy

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On any given day, a person will switch between scrolling social media, listening to their favourite playlist, browsing products online, bingeing their favourite show on a connected TV (CTV), and more. This is why in 2022, advertisers should consider leveraging a multi-channel strategy. Marketing across several channels means an advertiser is casting a wider net and expanding the potential for reaching the right audience in the right moment.