Expert Roundup II on Personalization and Zero-Party Data

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Street Fight’s theme this month is personalization and data parties: a current obsession of adtech players as well as the advertisers they serve. Businesses are figuring out how to provide relevant experiences to customers online with comparatively little data at their disposal; we’re here to cover the evolution of their struggle.

Delivery Culture Is Here to Stay

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In one of the strongest signs yet of long-term changes in consumer behavior following the pandemic, food delivery services are continuing to achieve record growth even as consumers move closer to pre-pandemic levels of activity. The new era of delivery reached a milestone this month when Uber announced that delivery revenue from Uber Eats in 2021 outpaced revenue from ridesharing, Uber’s original raison d’être.

Location-Based Marketing Association: Coca-Cola Partners with StandStar AI

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association discusses Coca-Cola’s sensor-based lounge with SandStar AI, case studies including Epson, STI Group, and Pfizer; and Aldi testing automated age verification tech from YOTI.

Mobile Marketers: Stricter App Permissions Are a Good Thing

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It is time for all of us to look ourselves in the mirror and recognize the inconvenient truth of digital mobile marketing: stricter app permissions are necessary for the long-term success of our industry.

Expert Roundup on Personalization and Zero-Party Data

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Street Fight’s theme this month is personalization and data parties: a current obsession of adtech players as well as the advertisers they serve. Businesses are figuring out how to provide relevant experiences to customers online with comparatively little data at their disposal; we’re here to cover the evolution of their struggle.

The Future of Data Privacy Laws and What it Means for Marketing

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More than ever, marketers need to rely on engaging consumers with helpful information and helping customers achieve success. Modern consumers do not want to be inundated with troves of information to which they cannot relate. They want to come across information and products that are useful to them when and where they need them most.

Digital Privacy

Location-Based Marketing Association: 7Eleven Goes Touchless with Hologram Self-Checkouts

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association discusses Clubessential releasing an LBM suite for private clubs, Ireland’s Gamma launching AddressLink geo service, Shake Shack and DoorDash teaming up on a chicken sandwich dating site, and 7Eleven going touchless with hologram self-checkouts.

3 Products Accelerating Shoppability

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The macro trends of shoppability and visual commerce are on a collision course. Here are three platforms making that combination a reality.

4 Elements Your Store’s Product Pages Shouldn’t Be Without

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Let’s take a look at four elements every online store needs on their product pages, along with useful examples to illustrate the use and benefit of each.

Where Mobile Advertising is Heading in 2022

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Where is mobile advertising heading? Here are a few predictions, including a blend of performance and brand marketing, added audio inventory, and an embrace of AR and VR.

Three E-Commerce Advertising Opportunities to Leverage Now

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For every transaction, there are many touchpoints. And digital marketers, brands, or online retailers need to account for as many as possible. This year, there are more opportunities to leverage for little effort. Google offers a wealth of opportunities, and there are several marketplaces and social channels like TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest offering tactics to attract more customers this year.

Getting Real About Augmented Reality’s Marketing Implications

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At CES 2022, Microsoft announced a surprise partnership with chip manufacturer Qualcomm, indicating the potential for the software giant to develop smaller chips and better software for AR glasses or mobile AR applications. Add in the metaverse, and the possibility for further AR growth in advertising is extraordinary. AR experiences like these can move consumers closer to a purchase decision.

Programmatic Best Practices: Dynamic Creative Optimization

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As dynamic advertising has become a standard tool for data-driven marketing, dynamic creative optimization (DCO) has become a critical capability to drive higher performance. DCO leverages machine learning for real-time media buying to deliver the best possible creative at the right time. Ads are customized and changed in relation to a user’s past behavior or current situation with individual components of an ad personalized in real-time.


Third-Party Delivery Apps Are Stealing Your Customers. Here’s How to Regain Control

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Think grocery’s biggest problem is inflation? It used to be. These days, it’s third-party vendors like Instacart who impact your results in an already margin-thin business. Add in retail giants like Walmart, who are rolling out their own grocery delivery services as new services continue to pop up, and that impact becomes even greater.

Location-Based Marketing Association: Pinterest’s AR Home Decor Tool

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association discusses Cross River Bank and PayTile teaming up on location-based payments, GeoBroadcast Solutions targeting iHeart in radio, Pinterest releasing an AR home decor tool, and PAR Technology integrating Radius Network’s Flybuy SaaS platform.

Online Reviews and the Problem of Authenticity

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Recent developments from the FTC mark a significant moment in the history of online review management. Practices such as review gating have been relatively widespread in the industry for years, despite warnings such as this Help Center update published by Google in 2018: “Don’t discourage or prohibit negative reviews or selectively solicit positive reviews from customers.” 

How Data Provides a Two-Way Story to Drive Performance

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Data creates a two-way story with customers. In this exchange, you deliver value to customers and they, in turn, give you important information about who they are and how they feel. Within customer experience management, this value exchange allows you to heighten the experience. It is the quality of the data and what you do with it that matters most for performance.

Location-Based Marketing Association: Google’s Location Tracking Lawsuit

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association discusses Google getting sued over deceptive location tracking, Apple going head to head with Square by making iPhone payment terminals, SavageXFenty rolling out AR-powered FIT:MATCH tech in-store, and Placewise partnering with Bambuser to bring physical malls to customers via livestream.

Partnership Marketing is Set to Diversify and Go Global

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This year, expect the partnership marketing industry to grow, become more sophisticated, and require more personnel and expertise. Brands will experiment with different payment models, diversify their mix of influencers and affiliates, and test the waters for global expansion. Not unsurprisingly, technology will play a significant role.

3 Debates Worth Having about Google’s Topics

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Google’s announcement set off a firestorm of debate over whether Topics goes far enough to secure user privacy, how effective Topics would be as an ad targeting methodology, and what the announcement portends for digital advertising as a whole. Here is a rundown of those three debates over Topics and the relevant perspectives adtech stakeholders should consider.