Womply: Prime Day Coincides with Bump in Small Retailer Revenue
It would make sense to assume, as Foursquare data indicated for Prime Day 2017, that Amazon’s e-commerce extravaganza results in a decline in foot traffic for brick-and-mortar retailers, especially small ones that lack the resources to offer huge discounts and still come out of the day with a profit.
The data science team over at Womply has intel that says otherwise. Polling more than 54,000 small, independent, brick-and-mortar retailers, Womply found that the revenue for those stores actually jumped 4% nationwide on Prime Day this year.
Shops in Rhode Island saw the biggest spike in revenue, averaging 43% more than a typical business day. Maine and Washington followed with 23% and 20%, respectively, while Delaware and Minnesota saw the biggest dips of 10 and 6%, leading the 13 states that registered drops in revenue.
The percentage increase or decrease was calculated based on averages of the revenue the surveyed shops took in during 2017. Outliers were excluded.
Joe Zappa is Street Fight’s managing editor. Follow him on Twitter @joe_zappa