Street Fight Daily: WHERE to PayPal Media Net, Foursquare Venues
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.
EBay puts WHERE to work as PayPal Media Network (GigaOm)
A little over a year after eBay bought mobile ad network WHERE, it’s ready to show how it will put the Boston startup to work. WHERE will become PayPal Media Network, as it moves beyond serving location-based mobile ads to offering inventory across eBay’s different online properties.
Want to Claim a Foursquare Venue Right Now? That Will Be $10 (Mashable)
Foursquare introduced a new process for claiming venues on Tuesday that cuts down on the wait time — for a price. The new system has two options. Users can either cough up $10 for the instant verification or wait 10 to 15 business days for snail-mail verification.
As Groupon Publicly Struggles, LivingSocial Continues to Grow (AllThingsD)
What’s most impressive, according to Yipit, is that LivingSocial’s growth comes as it showcases more deals — sometimes more than a dozen in one city. In the first quarter, it offered roughly 21,000 deals, a 15 percent jump compared to the fourth quarter.
PaperG Case Study Shows Effectiveness of Local Display (ScreenWerk)
Greg Sterling: There are numerous studies and surveys that show local ads outperform more generic “national” ads, including in the context of online and mobile display. Adding to that, PaperG is out with an interesting case study that shows how cost-effective local display can be vs. other media. It involves regional (Northeast) “quick service” restaurant chain Cheeseboy.
Other Apps Could Learn from’s Location Features (ReadWriteWeb) gathers all the news articles shared by your friends on social networks and streams them to you in a clean interface, which you can read on- or offline. Paperboy refreshes the app automatically as you walk out the door, so you’ve got today’s news to read when you pull out your phone.
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