"Coupon Clippers" are Now "Coupon Clickers and Viewers" Street Fight

“Coupon Clippers” are Now “Coupon Clickers and Viewers”

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The concept of discount coupons for grocery items originated in the 1800’s. After all, who doesn’t want a deal? But we’ve come a long way from paper envelopes filled with individual pieces of paper. Although local “circulars” still fill our mailboxes, automation and precise consumer targeting have taken the concept to a whole new level. […]

Re-engaging Consumers Amid and After Covid-19

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Shortly after the pandemic caused retail stores around the country to rapidly adapt their business models to address shutdowns and changes in consumer habits, CodeBroker conducted research to explore how shopping behaviors were changing. 

The resulting report, Consumer Shopping Habits During the Covid Pandemic, offers insights into what has changed, which changes are likely to persist even after the pandemic subsides, and what retailers can do to protect their bottom line.

Despite Covid-19 Environment, Brick-and-Mortar Retailers May Have an Edge

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A new survey of more than 1,400 U.S. consumers indicates that more than half are shopping less often and three-quarters are spending less at their favorite stores. That’s not surprising. What is surprising is what the research showed regarding opportunities for retailers to compete against the sheer competitive threat Amazon represents, and that includes the positive impact mobile couponing can have not just for online purchases but to drive in-store traffic as well.

Why Consumers Want Coupons — And What Kind They Value Most

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Amid ongoing reports of consumer fatigue with coupons and declining coupon redemption rates, there is a ray of hope for retailers—mobile coupons. While consumers have a wide range of preferences in terms of their mobile engagement, CodeBroker’s mobile consumer research, based on input from more than 1,500 consumers around the country, offers one takeaway that applies to the masses: Mobile couponing works. There are a variety of reasons that this is the case.

5 Proven Strategies for Ramping Up Your Mobile Coupon Marketing Program

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The United States is one of the largest smartphone markets in the world, with some 96% of people owning a cellphone. Those consumers most likely to own a smartphone fall into the sweet spot of retail marketing demographics—those ages 18-29 (96%) and those ages 30-49 (92%), according to Pew Research. Retailers are realizing that mobile coupon marketing is the best way to get special offers in the hands of consumers. 

Retailers that take advantage of the power of mobile marketing when combined with coupons have a new and effective means of driving foot traffic and purchases. Here we offer a look at five mobile coupon marketing strategies.

Local Marketing Methods That Will Attract Millennials

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Millennials want their money to go further than it has before. They desire to pay less for both their wants and needs, are more socially conscious than ever, and need things to catch their eye quickly. So, how do we, as local marketers, appeal to them? Brands and businesses that can give millennials what they want, when they want it, and at an affordable price will win their business.

How Savvy Brands Are Getting Mobile Offers Into the Hands of Consumers

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“For brick-and-mortar businesses, the focus on driving foot traffic through mobile couponing is even more important due to the convenience of online shopping. We see mobile coupon platforms becoming ubiquitous and affordable for even small businesses to create, design, and distribute their own coupons,” Katie Wilson, CEO of TapOnIt and a digital advertising veteran, tells our senior editor Stephanie Miles.

How to Better Connect with Consumers via Mobile Coupons

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Dan Slavin: It’s not just smartphone use that is growing—the number of people totally dependent on these devices to access the internet is rising as well. Both segments are projected to continue to show strong growth. Yet some marketers and retailers are struggling with attracting these users with offers and coupons.

Use Mobile Coupons to Get Above the Noise this Holiday Season

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Since many retailers use the same strategies and tactics to capture consumer attention during the holidays, rising above the noise happens only for a few. This may be the season to plan smarter, not louder, and the answer may be the use of mobile coupons.

Mobile Coupons Are About to Overtake Paper—Here’s How Retailers Can Capitalize on That

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When participants in CodeBroker’s 2018 Mobile Coupon Consumer Research Report were asked just how quickly they would likely redeem a coupon they received via text message, 25% said they would use it within three days. That number grew to 60% when they were asked if they would use it within a week.

Retailers Shift Focus to Offline Affiliate Marketing

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Location analytics represent the new battleground in retail, but imagine if you could apply the same analytics for online attribution to offline purchases. Offline affiliate marketing does just that, giving retailers the tools to analyze data from in-store purchases similar to what they can do for online purchases.

RetailMeNot’s Hoyt: This Will Be the Most Personalized Holiday Season We’ve Ever Had

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Today marks the beginning of a crucial week and month for retailers, as shoppers clamor for deals and steals on presents for family, friends, and coworkers. Whether in-store, online, or a mobile device, an astounding amount of retail business will be transacted in the next five weeks. RetailMeNot vice president of communications Brian Hoyt said to expect a more personalized, more omnichannel holiday shopping season this year, courtesy of the ever-present smartphone.

5 Ways to Increase Redemptions of Mobile Coupons

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Mobile coupon usage is on the upswing, with 75% of mobile shoppers having redeemed a coupon from their smartphones last year, and 80% saying their perceptions of a retailer would improve if that retailer offered mobile deals. Despite the obvious consumer interest in mobile coupons, however, many retailers — and particularly, smaller merchants — are still struggling to get their footing in this new marketing world…

DataSphere’s Cowan: Still A Big Opportunity In Coupons For SMBs

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The online coupon space would seem tired, over-saturated, and too fragmented. Yet DataSphere is making a big push into the local-business coupon space, launching a consumer-facing site, LocalSaver. Gary Cowan, SVP or product and marketing at DataSphere, talks about the company’s plans to become “the RetailMeNot of local business coupons” and drive customers through local companies’ doors…

Street Fight Daily: Google Partners with Kia, Cloud Computing and Coupons

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.Car Rental Company Avis To Buy ZipCar For $500 Million (TechCrunch)… Google Partners with Kia Motors to Integrate Google Maps and Places into New Car Models (The Next Web)… How Cloud Computing Is Accelerating Context-Aware Coupons, Offers and Promotions (Business2Community)…

Street Fight Daily: Yelp Settles ‘Best of’ Suit, Groupon Fights for Survival

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.Village Voice, Yelp Settle ‘Best Of’ Trademark Suit (PC Mag)… Groupon Fights for Its Life as Daily Deals Fade (Reuters)… Learning From a Failed IPO (Venture Beat)…

Street Fight Daily: Dex One Merges With SuperMedia, Groupon’s Tech Origins

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.LivingSocial Nabs High-Fashion Clothing Line (Inc.)… Groupon is Not a Tech Company. Why Was It Valued Like One? (GigaOm)… Local News Sites Form New Trade Association (CJR)…

Street Fight Daily: Living Social Flush, AOL at Juncture

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.LivingSocial Steers Clear of IPO (WSJ)…SOURCE: AOL Faces Brutal Choice On Patch — Close It Or Double Down (SAI)…TripAdvisor Relaunches Local Picks Facebook App, for Restaurant Tips from Friends and Locals (The Next Web)

Street Fight Daily: Facebook Offers for SMBs, LBS Apps Hot

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.

Facebook’s ‘Offers’ News Feed Coupons Launch In Self-Serve Beta For Local U.S. Businesses (TechCrunch)…

Survey: Budget, Time Biggest Obstacles to Mobile Marketing for SMBs (ScreenWerk)…

Competition Among Location-Based Apps Heats Up (Crain’s New York Business)…

How to Improve the Value and Effectiveness of Online Offers

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Poor trackability hurts everyone. The solution is an easy way to determine a new or returning user’s life cycle profitability and their average transaction volume, helping merchants make much smarter decisions about adjusting and targeting offers—and tracking ROI. Our whitepaper outlines the growing significance of offer effectiveness by detailing how to accomplish it and why it works.