LBMA Podcast: Eatsa Removes Waiters from the Restaurant, Coke-moji Happiness Experiment, Oscar Mayer…Matchmaker?
Welcome to This Week in Location Based Marketing, a weekly video podcast from the Location Based Marketing Association. On the show: Eatsa removes waiters from the restaurant; Fujitsu partners with iProximity; Panama does location-based video sharing; Goodwill’s goBIN; Oscar Mayer is your new…matchmaker?; Member news and case studies from Thinknear; Starbucks; Coca-Cola; Canadian Tire; and Mobiquity and Mobeam; plus, Rob’s new gig as VP of marketing at Foko.
Top Stories of the Week:
1. Eatsa – restaurant of the future 8:26
2. Fujitsu and iProximity partner up 14:40
3. Panama location-based video sharing 16:45
4. Goodwill’s goBIN 19:01
5. Oscar Mayer’s Sizzl app 24:34
Announcement: Rob has joined Foko 29:20
LBMA Member News and Case Studies:
1. Thinknear launches ThinkPolitical 36:20
2. Starbucks rolls out “order & pay” across the U.S. 38:09
3. Coke-moji Happiness Experiment (Sweden) 39:24
4. Canadian Tire mPay & Play app 40:53
5. Mobiquity and Mobeam team up for geolocation offers 44:14