Street Fight Daily: Ford Integrates Offers, Web Readership Booming
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.
Daily Deals Are Coming to Your Car (Wired)
Daily deal app Roximity has launched in the Apple App Store, and what sets it apart from other location-aware Groupon-style apps is its ability to integrate with your car – assuming it’s a Ford. Integrating Roximity into Sync, the driver can use the built-in voice commands to search for anything from restaurants to salons to find the best deal around.
Why Starbucks Is Betting on Square (GigaOm)
Starbucks has seen the power of mobile payments first hand but isn’t prepared to expand its own payment efforts. But it is making a big $25 million bet on Square to be a leader in this fast growing space.
Two Years After the Tipping Point, Papers’ Web Readership is Booming (Paid Content)
Now we can firmly pinpoint the date at which the readership tipping point apparently occurred for these publishers – November 2010 (after a brief earlier overtake in January that year). Two years after the crossover, print circulation is declining at broadly the same rate it has for the last eight years, but web readership’s growth goes on accelerating.
Study: 50 Percent of Mobile Queries in Travel, Restaurants, Autos Result in a Purchase (Marketing Land)
According to a study commissioned by call-tracking provider Telmetrics and mobile ad network xAd, smartphone and tablet users are much more “ready to buy” than their PC counterparts. The study also finds that localized mobile ads are perceived by consumers as more relevant and therefore are more likely to drive response than ads without location.
Former Foursquare Exec Tristan Walker Shares His Secrets on How Brands and Social Can Coexist (Fast Company)
Tristan Walker: In Silicon Valley, there’s usually this product-is-everything, you-need-nothing-else mentality–and I don’t believe that one bit. You need to understand how advertising can fit into your product and what you do well.
Profitable at 11-Months-Old, ApartmentList Adds VP of Product from Gilt, Aims to Be the Anti-Craigslist (PandoDaily)
In less than a year, the company has signed partnerships with hundreds of online rental marketplaces — including market leaders such as,, and others — to offer millions of listings within a single portal. The business is already profitable, while on track to generate “low double digit millions” in revenue in 2012.
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