How Dunkin’ Thinks About Google Assistant Integration and the Future of Mobile Ordering
“Increasingly, brands are being judged by the experience they deliver as much as the product,” said Paul Murray, Dunkin’ brands director of digital experience. “This is a really good example for us where we’re delivering on a great product and we’re also delivering on the experience, and we’re leveraging new technology to do it.”
Street Fight Daily: Ad Tech Too Crowded for Marketers, Facebook Crackdown on Targeting to Build
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… Why Choosing Mar Tech Vendors Is Challenging for Marketers… Facebook Plans Crackdown on Ad Targeting by Email Without Consent… Amid Heightened Competition, Domino’s Mobile Game Offers Rewards Points..
Street Fight Daily: Lyft Expands Service for Businesses, Marketers React to Facebook’s Latest
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… Lyft Concierge, a Ride-Booking Service for Businesses, Expands… The Ad Community Reacts to Facebook’s Latest Tweak of the News Feed… To Woo Amazon, Cities Tackle Everything from Traffic to Housing…
Brand Battles in Depth: Looking at Starbucks vs. Dunkin’ Donuts
The series demonstrates the real complexity of cross-platform digital marketing and the importance of a data-driven strategy in identifying meaningful objectives and tracking performance. This commentary explains how Brand Battles are constructed and how their subject areas fits into the bigger picture of local marketing for national brands.
Street Fight Daily: AT&T to Acquire Time Warner, Mobile Moves to Majority of Google Ad Rev
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… AT&T To Acquire Time Warner, Becoming Latest Media Giant with Cross-Device Mojo… Mobile Moves to Majority Share of Google’s Worldwide Ad Revenues… How Quartz Sculpts a Global, Mobile-First Brand…
Street Fight Daily: Gowalla Founder Leaving Facebook
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology… Gowalla Co-Founder Josh Williams to Depart Facebook (AllThingsD)… The False Hope of Hyperlocal (Digiday)… Does In-Store Location Tracking Cross The “Creepy Line”? (MarketingLand)…
LBMA Podcast: Domino’s, LevelUp, and UpOut’s Martin Shen
In this week’s episode, hosts Rob Woodbridge and Asif Khan talk about Shazam’s background tagging; Domino’s delivers Pizza-smelling DVDs; UberMedia changes the rules in targeted ads with UberAds; LevelUp partners with NCR; The importance of customer feedback and engagement plus special guest Martin Shen, co-founder of UpOut…
What Multilocation Brands Need to Do to Prepare for Facebook’s Graph Search
National brands have invested nearly all their Facebook resources in building and supporting brand pages for the purpose of publishing content and managing customer relationships at the corporate level. But these brands don’t do business at the corporate level.They do business at the local level through large, brick-and-mortar networks. When it comes to Graph Search, these physical locations and their corresponding local Facebook pages are what really matter…
Mapping Apps Making an Impact on Mobile Purchase Intent
Apps like Mapquest and Waze are used with a direct intention as part of “lower funnel” purchase considerations.But map users also demonstrate high engagement with visible advertisers served to them as a complement to their core navigation needs…