Street Fight Daily: Foursquare’s New Ad Platform, CBS’s Kucharz
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology...
Foursquare Eyes June for Launch of New Advertising Platform (Ad Age)…
CBS’s Kucharz on Taking a Conservative Path to Local Digital Success (NetNewsCheck)…
NY Tabloid’s New South Asian Section Shows ‘Local’ Is Cultural, Not Geographic (PaidContent)…
Street Fight Daily: 01.31.12
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups...
Groupon’s ‘Weird’ CEO Takes on Critics (Wall Street Journal)…
Pew: More Than Half Of Adults Used Cell Phones In Stores For Purchasing Decisions During The Holidays (TechCrunch)…
Will Groupon Get Lampooned in New CBS Sitcom? (Forbes)…
Street Fight Daily: 12.20.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups...
How Siri Could Help Boost Location-Based Services (GigaOm)…
Eeve Creates Location-Based Photo Groups (TechCrunch)…
Localscope for iPhone: A Browser For the Real World (ReadWriteWeb)…
Street Fight Daily: 03.30.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.…
Are expiration dates on Groupon deals illegal? Groupon was sued eight times in all of 2010 — but in 2011, that pace has increased. It’s been sued in federal court 12 times this year. (PaidContent)…
CBS Local Digital Media and CityGrid Media have partnered on an advertising/listings initiative targeting local businesses that want to get broad exposure to online and mobile consumers across the country. (Broadcasting & Cable)…
How to start your own local news site. Tips from a Berkeleyside co-founder. (10,000 Words)…
Street Fight Daily: 03.29.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.… Ex-TBD chief Jim Brady joins Journal Register “to lead the Digital Transformation of all of its newsroom on all platforms.” (Journal Register Company Press Release)… A new study from Borrell Associates has found that national Internet pure-plays and Groupon have taken the lead in generating advertising dollars in many local markets. (NetNewsCheck)… Human participation — and thus social media — is central to successful hyperlocal platforms. It’s all about community empowerment. Here are 4 interesting hyperlocal social media ideas. (eMedia Vitals/Ron Mwangaguhunga)…
Local Video Copyrights in the Age of Online Virality
We need to find a way to attach revenue-producing messages to videos, so that the Web can do its thing without hurting the incentive for local media companies to create such videos in the first place. And I’m not talking about attaching 30-second prerolls. It can be done, and we need to talk about it. The Web is not TV…