Street Fight Daily: The Latest in On-SERP Search from Google, Visual Search on Edge of Breakthrough
Google and the On-SERP Experience: We’re Just Gettin’ Warmed Up (Street Fight)
Mihm & Blumenthal: The introduction of a new Knowledge Graph layer in the form of “Topics” indicates to me that Google’s latest efforts in this arena will extend in two directions beyond Local entities. I see these linkages extending all the way up the search journey to initial consideration and even further down the funnel beyond Local entities. Blumenthals: Reserve with Google makes its way into 3-pack SERP
Retailers Must Prepare for Visual Search, On Edge of a Breakthrough (Digiday)
“This is where, if you’re a retailer looking three years, five years out, you should be investing in,” said Yury Wurmser, visual search, marketing and retail analyst at eMarketer. “It’s going to grow a lot, and retailers need to be prepared for it.”
What Will Advertising on Voice Look/Sound Like? (The Drum)
The voice boom is coming, so brands need start shifting their focus: Forget what advertisements in the future will look like—what will they sound like? The rising popularity of voice-enabled devices means advertising on such platforms is in its nascency, and paid opportunities are almost non-existent.
ThriveHive Upgrades Grader Product with Conversational UI, Brings David Mihm Aboard (Street Fight)
Just one month after ThriveHive released a product to help small business owners navigate the creation and maintenance of their Google My Business profiles, the company is making some substantial changes to its diagnostic solution.
Factual, Ibotta Identify Unique Behavior Based on Location, Purchase Data (MediaPost)
Factual and Ibotta discovered a method to combine location and purchase data that creates audience segments advertisers can use to determine behavioral patterns not identified in the past.
Apps Can Now Track You Even After You Uninstall (Bloomberg)
If it seems as though the app you deleted last week is suddenly popping up everywhere, it may not be mere coincidence. New trackers make it easy for developers to identify fed-up users and pester them with targeted ads.
Here Are the Major Facebook Execs Who Have Left in 2018 (CNBC)
Facebook has had a rough year, plagued by scandals involving data security, user privacy and the spread of misinformation. The company has also been struck by an exodus of executives. Here’s a list of Facebook’s most notable departures in 2018.
Tech Companies Spend More on Lobbying in Washington (Fast Company)
Most tech giants spent an increasingly large amount of cash this quarter versus previous quarters lobbying U.S. officials on their various interests. Amazon, Google, and Twitter all saw their lobbying expenditures increase in the most recent quarter that just ended last month.