Street Fight Daily: Twitter Launches Location Feeds, Are Ride-Share Drivers Independent Contractors?
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology…
Twitter Launches Tags to Location Feeds with Foursquare (TechCrunch)
Finally, Twitter will let you see when tweets are from a specific place, like a business, sports stadium, or music festival. Location feeds linked to from these tags could inspire people to tweet more while out and about, fuel Moments about particular places, and improve Twitter’s ad targeting data. Better location functionality could be an important building block for Twitter’s future products and revenue potential.
Online-to-Offline: Is Local’s Holy Grail Within Reach? (Street Fight)
Michael Boland: The outcome could be the biggest step towards local ad attribution we’ve seen yet. And Facebook’s sheer scale will force more advertisers’ hands — especially those still not doing more to measure activity where $7 trillion in U.S. consumer spending happens.
Lyft’s $27 Million Deal to Make Drivers Independent Contractors Gets Closer To Approval (Skift)
Lyft moved a big step closer to sealing a $27 million deal with drivers that would leave them classified as independent contractors. Along with its larger rival Uber, Lyft is trying to avoid a trial over drivers’ claims seeking the pay and benefits of employees. Uber’s request for preliminary approval of a similar $100 million settlement with its drivers is before another judge in the same courthouse.
6 Tools SMBs Can Use to Identify Dissatisfied Customers (Street Fight)
Customer opinions have never mattered more, when just a few dissatisfied customers have the ability to tank a small business’s reputation on social media and review websites like Yelp. Here’s how vendors are giving SMBs a way to make all of their customers feel heard.
A New Sales Technology Stack is Coming (TechCrunch)
Karan Mehandru: I believe that a comprehensive system using the right set of tools to make sales a much more productive, quantitative effort is in order. We can no longer settle for something marginally better. I want a tool that programs my behaviors and those of my team, one that lets me A/B test sales tactics, codify those that work and disseminate them through the organization.
Bridging the Gaps in the Google My Business API (Search Engine Land)
Brian Smith: Each update to the Google My Business API makes life easier for those of us managing locations at scale. But gaps in the automation process have yet to be addressed.
A Leading Digital Publisher Demands Transparency from Social Media Platforms (Columbia Journalism Review)
BuzzFeed has become a poster child for embracing third-party distribution networks. This progressive view has helped it gain a massive global audience. But on Friday, days after news broke that BuzzFeed had inked a $3.1 million deal to produce Facebook Live videos, company brass called on Facebook and similar platforms to codify their internal processes for regulating speech.
How Popular is the Sharing Economy? (eMarketer)
The sharing economy is currently enjoying a lot of hype, especially as consumers look for alternatives to traditional services and businesses. But as with many buzzwords and emerging economic disruptors, there may be a gap with reality. Depending on what the sharing economy includes, it may be a majority activity—or a niche one.
Amazon, Google, and Volvo Want to Integrate the IoT Seamlessly Into Your Life (AdWeek)
Haydn Sweterlitsch, chief creative officer at HackerAgency, spoke to AdWeek about how big companies can best leverage the IoT into advertising and marketing strategies. “Any brand that wants to have meaningful interactions with customers is going to have to have them in a way that’s not dependent on interruption or distraction. You see calm design everywhere in product design,” he said.
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