Street Fight Daily: China’s Yelp Talks IPO, Twitter Hires Retail Chief
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology
Dianping Sees IPO Larger Than Yelp as Users Tap China Reviews (BusinessWeek), China’s largest website for location-based food and entertainment services, plans to sell shares in an initial public offering in five years and says it may be worth more than Yelp Inc or Groupon. Dianping, with 75 million monthly active users for services similar to those offered by Yelp and Groupon, is tapping into China’s surging middle class as consumers seek information on restaurants and entertainment.
How Audiences Must be Redefined for the Mobile Platform (Street Fight)
Steven Jacobs: In considering audience on mobile, marketers need to understand the constantly changing context of a user and the implications it has on the needs and attitudes of the consumer. The static vision of audience, where a user is defined in a single way throughout his or her day, simply does not apply to a mobile device where a user’s context is constantly changing. To discern that context, marketers need to listen to all the signals a smartphone provides, the most important of which is undoubtedly location.
Twitter Hires Google Exec As Head Of Retail (Bloomberg)
Twitter has hired a Google advertising executive to be head of retail, as the company ramps up hiring and works to expand its business ahead of an initial public offering. J.J. Hirschle, who directed media and entertainment advertising at Google, will be responsible for the team selling advertising products to retail companies, Will Stickney, a spokesman for Twitter, said yesterday.
5 Leading Indicators of the Future of Local Search (Street Fight)
Ari Kaufman: Enterprise advertisers are starting to assert their control, demonstrating that they can leverage large footprints to compete in local with clean distributed data, and accurate claimed citations. Consumers, meanwhile, increasingly want to use their mobile devices for more activities than navigational search, expecting to be able to buy and not only find goods and services nearby. The advancements of local search are evolving so rapidly that a race to control consumer behavior may be brewing between the Davids and Goliaths.
There’s No Such Thing as a “Permanent” Local Data Record (Yext Blog)
Howard Lerman: A common misperception in the local search and data industry is that publishers have a single “permanent” or “master” record for a given business listing. The misconception goes deeper: many people think that claiming a business causes a publisher to update a permanent record for that listing. However, if publishers have a single permanent record, how come so many people have problems updating listings? It’s because there’s actually no master record.
LivingSocial CEO Says People And Culture Keys To Success (Tech Cocktail)
First of all, O’Shaughnessy says that the perfect business is one that “doesn’t raise a lot of capital and doesn’t hire employees until they are operationally ready.” He also touched upon company culture and the importance of hiring the right people who fit that culture and being able to let go of the people who don’t. Lastly, he talked about transparency–how important it is to be upfront with your customer base.
The Top 7 Reasons Why Mobile Ads Don’t Work (Ad Age)
A Dartmouth researcher’s study sheds light on the mobile Web and app users who don’t click on ads. On a high level from the study, here are the top seven reasons they steer clear of the ads on smartphones and tablets. Many of them suggest that while mobile marketers have more opportunities to craftily target ads, they better hit on-the-go consumers’ sweet spots because those folks won’t be paying attention for very long.
Jose Cuervo Rolls Out Next Phase Of Location-Based Campaign (Drum)
Built on the Foursquare API, Howl marks Jose Cuervo’s first foray into product design. The app uses in-app SMS functionality to allow users to create virtual ‘packs’ of friends and, once out for a night out, broadcast their location to the pack by sending a ‘howl’ from their handset.
LBMA Podcast: Retailigence Does Offline Pickup, Fooda Does Hyperlocal Food (Street Fight)
In this week’s episode, Jack in the Box uses time as a marketing factor with Pandora; Netclearance lets you do indoor location with WiFi and BLE; Disney harvests energy from your finger. Run to the beat of the right song with our app of the week, TempoRun. And special guest Dave Roesch of the Atlantic City Convention and Visitors Authority teaches us how cities should be using location based marketing.
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