Openings & New Hires at Groupon, Locu, and Radiate Media
Every two weeks, Search Influence’s Kelly Benish — who knows practically everyone in hyperlocal — covers some of the latest job changes taking place in this dynamic industry. (Plus, scroll down for jobs on offer now.)
Ced Simpson – SIM Partners
With over fifteen years of International business development & sales, Ced Simpson was recently lured away from Matchcraft after five years of being their VP of business development. Chicago-based SIM Partners brought Ced aboard as their new VP of international sales. Besides being a great person for one to know, Ced is a dedicated family man and a great friend, and I always look forward to catching up with him at conferences.
Mark Josephson –
Hyperlocal publishing veteran Mark Josephson is leaving AOL’s Patch, where he has served for the past 2+ years as SVP revenue, to take the CEO post at link-shortening and bookmarking service Mark joined Patch in 2011 after the company bought the hyperlocal news network, which he founded. Josephson told TechCrunch that one of his immediate goals at will be to “help get the company’s new audience intelligence product out the door.”
Mark Weiss – Locu
Mark Weiss was Trulia‘s first Director of Business Development, brought on to help the real estate platform gain momentum. In the almost five years that he was at Trulia, he helped grow the company from about 65 people to 500+. Trulia went public this past October and are now trading on the NYSE. As Mark continued to execute strategic partnerships for the company he was itching to start at a young company that he could help accelerate. The more he learned about Locu, the more invested he became with the mission, the team, and the traction the company is making; and as Locu’s new head of business development program Mark will be leading their push for strategic partnerships.
Ivan Shulman – Radiate Media
Ivan Shulman has been promoted to the role of president at Radiate Media, which provides software and services for local businesses — he had previously been the company’s EVP sales, and its chief revenue officer. Chris Rothey, Radiate’s CEO said “Ivan has a deep background in sales, marketing and media, and his leadership experience makes him a great fit for us.”
David Katz – Groupon
Mobile chief David Katz is leaving Groupon to take a a new deal at sports apparel site Fanatics with the same title. His departure comes three months after Groupon announced that mobile had accounted for 45% of its Q1 North American transactions. TechCrunch observed that Katz had been working to bring the technology used by Groupon’s North American ops to its international ops, whose poor performance has been partly blamed on technology issues.
Chris Verzello and Rebecca Steuer – Accordant Media
Accordant Media has added Chris Verzello to lead West Coast sales and Rebecca Steuer to lead marketing efforts. The new hires reflect Accordant’s continued business expansion and broader marketplace presence. With Verzello opening Accordant’s San Francisco office, the company now has teams in the East, Central and West regions.
Bob Mansfield – Apple
Longtime Apple exec Bob Mansfield announced his retirement from Apple in June 2012 only to come back a few months later in a new larger role. He agreed to stay at Apple for two more years, serving as SVP of technologies, focused on Apple’s wireless teams. That was all before his sudden removal from Apple’s executive team and abrupt disappearance from the company’s leadership page. Mansfield’s faux retirement departure from the company caused some organizational pain but they managed to coax him back with a cash and stock package worth about $2 million a month. Which makes it all the more shocking now that he’s thrown up the deuces after only serving a year of his two year contract.
Where to look for jobs now…
Street Fight is looking for a full-time marketing manager. Apply here with a resume and cover letter.
JiWire wants to find a campaign manager. Apply here
AOL is looking for a director of user experience. Apply here.
Chatmeter is looking for a VP of Sales. Apply here.
Yext is on the prowl for an enterprise sales professional. Apply here.
The Weather Channel is looking for a local platform manager.
Can you do development work? Contact NetApp about this unique gig. Apply here
WorldNow is hiring a front end developer. Apply here
Yelp is looking for a business development manager. Apply here
Linkedin is looking to hire an international business operations manager. Apply here
Google seeks a channel partner manager – media partnerships. Apply here
Apple wants to find an operations manager (in Shanghai). Apply here
Twitter is on the prowl for a marketing operations manager. Apply here.
And here’s some industry talent looking for new situations….
— Current president of online consulting firm, he’s been online since 1999 working with IYP’s & newspapers and eventually moving over to loyalty-based and digital solutions. Willing to relocate from New England. Past experiences in directing SEO, account management and marketing for agencies and marketing companies since 1996. He is an OG in the industry and I personally vouch for his successes.
— Current VP of business development with over 12 years of digital marketing strategy, management, and business development experience in the hospitality and retail verticals. Ready to move in one month, located in the metro DC area.
— Current director of development in the Boston metro area, with 6 years of business development, customer acquisition, partnership building & product development. Available now.
— Current VP with 29 years experience in sales management, corporate actions, HR and business development. Located in the Charlotte metro area & ready to move now.– Current PHP developer with 15 years experience, located in the southeast, ready to move now.
If you are interested in any of these candidates e-mail me at [email protected] for more information.
Kelly Benish is VP of sales and marketing at Search Influence, a national online marketing firm focused on SMBs and white label online marketing for publishers and media partners who serve them. You can follow her on Twitter @Lokellsearch.