#SFSNYC VIDEOS: Panels and Presentations From Our Recent NYC Summit
It’s been a couple of weeks since we gathered hundreds of hyperlocal industry execs in New York at the Street Fight Summit, but we’re still sifting through a lot of the ideas and inspiration that emerged from those few days. In case you missed it — or were there but spent all your time networking — we’ve just posted a full slate of videos from the event on YouTube.
You can also click here for links to Street Fight’s coverage of the event. Click here to see photos from some of the panels and onstage presentations. And click here to check out pictures from our cocktail party at 82 Mercer.
What Do SMBs Want from a Local Commerce Solution?
* Jay Weintraub, president, LeadsCon Media Group (moderator)
* Wiley Cerilli, VP, Constant Contact
* Stuart Wall, CEO, Signpost
* Logan LaHive, CEO, Belly
Hyperlocal Publishing Models That Work
* Lisa Skube, director, Journalism Accelerator (moderator)
* Zohar Yardeni, CEO, Daily Voice
* Josh Fenton, cofounder, GoLocal24
* Leela de Kretser, publisher, DNA Info
Assessing the Patch Experiment
* Jeff Bercovici, staff writer, Forbes (interviewer)
* Warren Webster, cofounder, Patch
Automation in Hyperlocal Publishing
* Michael Meyer, staff writer, CJR (moderator)
* Brian Addison, president, EveryBlock
* Gary Cowan, SVP-product and marketing, DataSphere
* Jim Kirk, SVP, Sun-Times Media
The Hyperlocal Investment Opportunity
* Eric Risley, managing partner, Architect Partners (moderator)
* Owen Davis, managing director, NYC Seed
* Alan McGlade, managing partner, DEV
* Scott Wolfgang, strategic investments VP, Hearst Interactive Media
To watch all videos from Street Fight Summit, go to TVStreetFight on YouTube.