Geobrowsing for Friends, Food and Fun

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Bringing it all together in a nicely organized fashion is clearly what many people want in a service that takes all things local into account – especially on the small screen. Lots have tried; a few are doing a nice job. Newcomer Geomium might just fall in with the “few”.

Relying on data from Eventful, Yelp, Qype and your friends Geomium brings together places, people and events and drops them on a map – in relation to your current location of course. You can see friends, make new ones, send shout-outs and find deals among other things. What they need, however, is an ice-breaker feature that discreetly introduces you to people (perhaps other singles?) nearby. Might as well throw in alerts for when something you want to avoid is close by.

It’s only in the UK right now but Geomium has plans to make it over the pond soon in both iPhone app form and on the Web.

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