Wrazz to Connect People with Local Businesses
…Answering: What do you want to do tonight?
What do you want to do tonight? We’ve all asked or heard that one, or at least the lazy and unimaginative among us. And so many location-enabled services are sprouting to answer parts of that question that it’s hard for even us to keep up.
If you’re in Seattle you might have heard of another, Wrazz.com, that recently used an old standby technique for getting users: they paid for them. OK, not exactly. They ran a contest that promised to reward a lucky scavenger hunt winner with cash if the site’s Facebook page (facebook.com/wrazz) captured a certain number of fans. (It did.)
They’ve continued with the strategy like so:
Wrazz Ok. GO Seattle Seahawks we are going to give away two tickets to the Hawks game, if we reach 4000 fans. There’s a home game sunday, let’s get there by then. Tell your friends. I will goto the game in a Wrazz tshirt. Find me with clues and get the tickets.
Set to officially launch in a couple weeks on the Web, BlackBerry, iPhone and Android Wrazz will focus on engaging businesses in the social sphere – particularly those who’ve not jumped on the bandwagon or are intimidated by the abundance of options fromt Twitter to Foursquare – and deliver deals and recommendations to the indecisive.
“Social commerce means empowering users with incentives to enjoy exactly what they want, when they want it. The idea behind the site grew from this desire to share a night out with our friends. Technology makes it so that we can discover new businesses,” says Wrazz co-founder, Bret Eickhoff.
Waiting for details on the rollout to a city near you – looks like Seattle only by mid October.
The service is free to users and businesses, but businesses can pay to take advantage of Wrazz’s experts.
UPDATE: Wrazz is launching in Seattle any moment; next cities include Portland and Scottsdale, AZ before the end of the year and Denver by late January.
This post originally appeared on Locl.ly.