Street Fight Daily: 06.30.11

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.

The next phase of growth for local deals will be mobile. Groupon knows this, and so does Yelp, which is rolling out Yelp Deals to its iPhone and Android apps. (TechCrunch)

Groupon competitor LivingSocial met with bankers this week to discuss a $1 billion public offering. The IPO could value LivingSocial, which expects to generate $1 billion in revenue this year, at $10 billion to $15 billion. (Paid Content)

“Writing about Patch, Judy Sims points out the hyperlocal seem to ignore the recent ‘unbundling of news and advertising,'” writes Jack Shafer. “Local advertisers bought ads adjacent to news content because that’s where the eyeballs were — and because there were very few alternatives for their ad dollars. Not so now.” (Slate)

Bizzy has collected more than 173,000 local business reviews since March by making them simple and mobile. Now it’s adding the third variable that it hopes will compete with long-form review sites like Yelp: community. (Mashable)

Facebook Deals, an advertising product that lets businesses offer discounts to nearby Facebook users, is expanding its pilot program to three more cities: Charlotte, St. Louis and Minneapolis. (Mashable)

We’ve repeatedly heard the horror stories about merchants being the victims when daily deal companies fail (or refuse) to put a cap on the number of vouchers sold. But what happens when merchants are the ones responsible for abusing the industry? (Daily Deal Media)

“I don’t think anybody has figured out the killer app in terms of enabling [Internet] commerce, but I’m betting on it happening first at the local level,” writes Terry Heaton. “Will it come from newspapers? I’m not sure, but if it does, it’ll only happen through independent thinkers, those who can separate the making of money from the creation of content.” (PoMo Blog)

Each month, Yipit will be publishing trends and analyses from the company’s proprietary dataset of more than 100,000 offers to the daily deal and investor communities. (Yipit Blog)

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