PODCAST: This Week in Location-Based Marketing — Tasti D-Lite
In this week’s episode, hosts Rob Woodbridge and Asif Khantalk about the RAMP conference in Chicago; Square goes live with their client list; Oracle takes direction from Nokia; Bob Dylan’s ‘Tempest’ goes geo; plus acquisitions by TripAdvisor and Square + our special guest BJ Emerson, co-author of The Tasti D-Lite way (who is appearing at the Street Fight Summit on October 30th).
PODCAST: This Week in Location-Based Marketing — Choco-locate
In this week’s episode, hosts Rob Woodbridge and Asif Khan look at what an airport’s location tech might have to do with James Joyce. Australia shows us how to do disaster notifications with LBS. STMicroelectronics kills us with air pressure — in a good way. All this plus a few deals, an acquisition, Tasti D-lite’s new book and special guest Lalita Krishna of Choco-locate…
Case Study: For Tasti D-lite Builds Loyalty with Passive Check-Ins
“They used to call it ‘stalking,'” said BJ Emerson at the LocNav Conference this month. “Now they call it ‘location-based marketing.'” The VP of technology at Tasti D-lite has tongue firmly planted in cheek, as the frozen yogurt chain has evolved its basic punch card program into a highly digital loyalty effort involving Foursquare, Facebook and Twitter.
In-Store Digital Signs Connect Businesses With Customers Via LBS
Much of the focus around location-based services early on has been in the form of mobile applications like Foursquare and Twitter, but there is a new opportunity emerging for businesses to connect the mobile experience to digital signage and other marketing mediums as well…