S4M Releases Calculator to Measure ROI Generated by Drive-to-Store Campaigns
Assessing the effectiveness of drive-to-store campaigns by measuring incremental visits generated is the gold standard for the location-based marketing industry, but that standard has been lacking in established, industry-specific points of comparison. Enter S4M, which has released a new calculator based on industry-specific cost per incremental visit standards.
Performance Partnerships: A Better Way to Define Affiliate Marketing
Performance Partnerships can only exist within a CPA model because the partners win and lose together. This isn’t the case with many of the other channels labeled as performance marketing. Performance Partnerships include everything that people want in their affiliate relationships and exclude all that is undesirable.
7 Analytics Tools to Track Local Campaigns
Gut feelings and instinct can only take business owners so far. To determine the actual value of local campaigns, marketers need access to raw data. Unfortunately, obtaining this information — and then using it to compare two or more hyperlocal platforms in a head-to-head setting — isn’t always as straightforward as it seems. Here are seven platforms that businesses can use to measure the effectiveness of their local campaigns…
5 Ways to Track the Effectiveness of a Hyperlocal Campaign
Sixty-four percent of businesses surveyed by Oracle in 2013 said that the ability to track marketing ROI has been the most important change in the marketing world, however the majority of local merchants still aren’t sure how to compare various hyperlocal channels and measure the effectiveness of different types of campaigns. Here are five strategies for doing just that…
5 Ways to Help SMBs Measure the Value of a Hyperlocal Campaign
Nearly half of merchants surveyed in Street Fight’s “2013 Report on the State of the Local Merchant” said uncertainty about results was the single largest obstacle preventing them from investing more in hyperlocal channels. When vendors make it easier for merchants to evaluate the performance of their products, they increase the chances that satisfied clients will stick around for a longer period of time. Here are five strategies vendors can use to help clients quantify the value of hyperlocal…
Calculating the ROI of Local Search Campaigns
How can we calculate just how much return a given business can expect on the investment of time, money, or both into a local search campaign? For many business owners, it’s that type of dollars and cents calculation that will drive them to decide whether or not to move forward with a campaign. Other metrics are important but ultimately secondary to the bottom line…
Identifying the Most Important ROI Metrics in the Redemption Loop
If daily deals and offers are to establish long-term relationships with merchants and marketers, they can deliver the best ROI by identifying those metrics that will deliver not just immediate results, but more importantly, lasting customer relationships. The first step is to weed out the metrics that include “serial bargain hunters.”
Real Talk About Advertising ROI: Focusing on Fundamentals
Advertising isn’t an exact science: at best, advertisers might be able to establish cause and effect between a particular campaign and ROI, but the why of why a campaign succeeded or failed is often a mystery. Agencies and their clients will often have to move from quantitative analysis (each dollar spent translated to X amount […]