The MULO Dozen: December Brands in Review

The MULO Dozen: December Brands in Review

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As MULO (multi-location)  brands prepare for the new year, they make bold moves — from new leadership to hot consumer trends we look at December brands in review.

Here’s what we saw this month.

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  1. Love’s names two new executives. The C-store “experience” is now officially a trend. (LEADERSHIP)
  2. 50 CEOs exited in retail this year. Churn is real! (LEADERSHIP)
  3. Grandpa chic?  Microtoys? Here are some of the hot new trends for the holidays. (INNOVATIONS)
  4. What’s on MULO menus these days? (INNOVATIONS)
  5. Mascots (including retro ones) seem to be timeless. The Target dog is coming to the Las Vegas sphere. (INNOVATIONS)
  6. Everyone is getting into the Super Bowl ad biz. Even this Oscar-winning Hollywood director. (INNOVATIONS)
  7. Tutoring, hardware, and pizza. What do they have in common? They are fast-growing franchise categories. (BOOM)
  8. Coffee cafes have grown in the U.S., but now China has shifted from tea to java. (BOOM)
  9. What were some of 2023’s hottest food trends? (BOOM)
  10. No retailers declared bankruptcy in December, but 2023 was not kind to many others. (BUST)
  11. Consumer sentiment ended 2023 on a high note. (CONSUMER VOICES)
  12. Who are today’s consumers and what are they doing? These great scannable charts from Pew will give you immediate insights! (CONSUMER VOICES)

As we head into 2024, we’ll be tracking the trends, BOOMs, BUSTS, and other timely MULO insights that can help you prosper!

Happy new year and keep on reading….

Nancy A Shenker, Chief Trend Officer with Street Fight, is a former big brand (Citibank, Mastercard, Reed Exhibitions) marketing strategist and leader. She has been featured in, the New York Times and Forbes.
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