BOOM: Multi-Location (MULO) “Needles” Businesses: Part 2

BOOM: Multi-Location (MULO) “Needles” Businesses: Part 2

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We’ve already established that people will overcome a childhood fear of needles (or at least cope with it) if they see an upside benefit — like vitamin therapy. The other reason people will allow themselves to be poked with a sharp metal object (in addition to vaccinations and blood tests) is beautification. Multi-location (MULO) aesthetics businesses are booming.

From day spas to skin treatment centers to pop-ups within gyms and medical facilities, aestheticians and health professionals offer a wide range of skin treatments to combat the aging process, remove scars and wrinkles, and plump up areas of the face and body. The use of injectibles (as they are aptly called) is on the upswing.

The total revenue in the category is approximately $13 billion, growing 10 percent over the next seven years. Botox, collagen, and lip fillers like Restylane and Juvederm are among the most popular treatments. The pandemic and social media aesthetics seem to have accelerated the demand for these types of protocols, as consumers’ “screen image and appeal” have become more important.

Among the MULO businesses that are currently offering injectibles are:

Even gyms and retail department stores are taking advantage of this high-growth service and Saks began offering injectibles in some of its stores in collaboration with a medical spa.


Nancy A Shenker, senior editor with Street Fight, is a former big brand (Citibank, Mastercard, Reed Exhibitions) marketing strategist and leader. She has been featured in, the New York Times and Forbes.