#SFSNYC VIDEO: How the World’s Largest Advertiser, P&G, Targets Consumers on a Local Level
In a wide-ranging Street Fight Summit fireside chat with Michael Learmonth, International Business Times‘ global tech editor, Ajay Kapoor, who oversees global business solutions for Procter & Gamble, covered everything from the wealth of market research sources P&G has at its disposal to channel marketing strategies to on-the-ground local initiatives in emerging markets like India, where smartphone usage is not yet the norm.
In the rapid-fire interview, Learmonth quizzed Kapoor about P&G’s marketing mix, referencing a statement from P&G CEO A. G. Lafley that the company planned to get more of its marketing dollars, specifically from digital, mobile, search, and social programs. “We know how to do TV really well,” Kapoor said, conceding that the consumer products giant needs to adjust its marketing mix “to be more agile in the digital realm.” Asked whether he thinks mobile can be a persuasive medium for getting P&G’s message across, Kapoor responded with an emphatic “Absolutely.”
He added: “The onus is upon us — the agencies, the marketers — to better understand what our consumers care about in their day-to-day lives.”
Noah Elkin is Street Fight’s managing editor.