Sponsored Content: Duplicate Listings Are Killing Your Business

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Become an expert on duplicate business listings with Yexts Webinar, Dupes and Dopps: How Bad Data is Killing Your Business featuring Christian Ward, Executive Vice President of Partnerships.

Duplicate listings are one of the most common data problems plaguing small businesses and Fortune 500 companies alike. Duplicates can confuse potential customers and search engines, and cause your clients to lose real business. Despite this fact, many marketers are uncertain about how duplicates are created, the problem they cause, and how best to address them. This webinar aims to help marketers understand duplicates and employ best practices for cleaning them up.

Ward outlines the different types of duplicates found within the business listing ecosystem and introduces the concept of a doppelganger. Doppelganger listings are harder to find and cause more confusion for potential customers. Unlike a true identical or duplicate listing, a doppelganger has some overlapping information, but is ultimately not related to the current business.

While you cannot control how duplicate (or doppelganger) listings are created, you can solve the problems they cause. The webinar will introduce you to Yext’s exclusive Duplicate Suppression tool for marketers with a live “search and destroy” demo and show you how your clients’ and their businesses can benefit from this tool.

Don’t let bad data kill your clients’ business. Watch Dupes and Dopps: How Bad Data is Killing Your Business now. Become an expert on duplicate business listings and help boost your clients’ local SEO.
