LBMA Podcast: PayPal and Uber, Foursquare’s Mayor Mea Culpa
Welcome to This Week in Location Based Marketing, a weekly video podcast from the Location Based Marketing Association. On the show: tools, services and technologies that will make your summer vacation better — no babysitting included. Stories about: Google Photos; Mr. Everything; PayPal and Uber; Foursquare’s mayor mea culpa; the KeepTrax app; Google’s Sidewalk Labs; Trending places on Instagram; Samsung’s safety truck; the Space Case 1; Piano, Push, Play + a bonus Pizza story.
Top stories of the week
1. Google Photos 8:10
2. Mr. Everything – bluetooth speakers that can also charge your battery 11:00
3. PayPal + Über team up in 19 countries 14:30
4. Foursquare brings Mayorships back 16:24
5. KeepTrax app 21:50
6. Google’s Sidewalk Labs 24:23
7. Instagram adds Trending Places and Places Search 27:20
8. Samsung – The Safety Truck 30:55
9. Space Case 1 – connected suitcase 34:00
10. Piano, Push, Play 38:30