LBMA Podcast: Facebook and Oculus, PayPal and Placed
Welcome to This Week in Location Based Marketing, a weekly video podcast from the Location Based Marketing Association. Top stories of the week include Facebook acquiring Oculus; Iconeme’s talking mannequins; Shyp shipped; PayPal partnering with Placed; Adtile’s kinetic ads for smartwatches; AT&T shutting down their Alerts program; Pepsi’s unbelievable bus shelter; New Physicalytics platform; Spacified’s matching service for pop-up store space. Our resource of the week is InstantPeeping. Our mobile minute with Chuck Martin examines the value vs. privacy debate.
Episode 175
Recorded: March 28, 2014
Hosts: Rob Woodbridge & Asif Khan
Show highlights:
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A Mobile Minute with Chuck Martin: The value vs privacy tug of war (3:20)
Resource of the week: InstantPeeping (46:25)
Top stories of the week (starts at 5:55)
1. Facebook acquires Oculus VR
2. Iconeme – mannequins that can “talk” to shoppers
3. Launch of Shyp
4. PayPal partners with Placed to track mobile ad effectiveness
5. Adtile‘s Kinetic Ads for smartwatches
6. AT&T to shutdown Alerts program
7. Pepsi’s Unbelievable Bus Shelter
8. Physicalytics platform (Toronto)
9. Spacified – dating site that matches retailers that want to have pop-up stores with empty spaces
10. Deutschland findet euch campaign in Germany
1. The polarizing Oculus acquisition by Facebook (25:10)
2. Why did AT&T Mobility kill the Alerts program + what should they do now? (32:25)
3. Why Shyp is bringing in a new era of mobile + service (39:35)