Street Fight Daily: Mobile Driving Yelp’s International Growth, Mobile Ads to Hit $18B
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology.
Yelp’s Stoppelman Says Mobile Boom to Aid International Growth (Bloomberg)
“We’re seeing close to 50 percent of both traffic and ad impression opportunities on mobile. It’s become a huge part of our business,” Yelp Chief Executive Officer Jeremy Stoppelman said today in an interview with Bloomberg TV. “Over the coming years you can probably expect that it will keep nudging up as more and more turn to their mobile phones and less and less on their desktop computers.”
With Perfect Information, Does ‘Awareness’ Becomes Obsolete? (Street Fight)
Steven Jacobs: In a world in which information is finite and often inaccessible, the ability for a business to be top of mind — to carve out a little spot in a consumer’s memory — was a powerful competitive advantage, and one that drove the way businesses sold goods and services to local consumers. But thanks to the rapid adoptions of mobile devices by consumers and the emergence of inexpensive cloud-based operations software, that’s changing.
Mobile Ad Market Spending To Hit $18BN In 2014, Rising To ~$42BN By 2017, Says Gartner (TechCrunch)
In a new report on the mobile ad market, analyst Gartner is projecting a slowing in the growth rate over the next three years, owing to mobile ad inventory outpacing demand. Gartner said it expects global mobile advertising spending to reach $18 billion this year, up from the estimated $13.1 billion in 2013. By 2017 it’s projecting the market will have sized up to be worth $41.9 billion.
5 Sales Practices Every Company Should Know (Street Fight)
Mo Yehia: The following sales best practices, inspired by Aaron Ross’ Predictable Revenue, can help companies close more sales in less time. Ross’s framework helped Salesforce.com, one of the most successful startups in history, increase recurring revenues by $100 million.
Bike-sharing Faces Bankruptcy: Cities Withhold Money as Bixi Struggles (GigaOm)
The future of bike-sharing, which relies on GPS and chips to offer a new form of urban transportation, may be in jeopardy after the Montreal company behind many big cities’ bike-sharing programs filed for bankruptcy on Monday. Bixi owes suppliers $9 million CDN and up to $38 million CDN to Montreal taxpayers who provided the company with loan guarantees and lines of credit.
Yelp vs. Google Mobile Wars (Droid Report)
Yelp has been a competitor to Google since 2005. The company believes in focus of its consumer. Google is massive with its Android OS and may be challenged with its lack of focus. Yelp has been able to leverage growth by fostering social media through building its communities. Reviews are crucial to the organization.
Android-based iBeacon Competitor Datzing Lets You Set Up Beacons Using Old Phones (Verge)
Datzing, a new service developed by ex-Vertu designer Frank Nuovo and launching for Android later this year, promises to take that idea even further by making it easier for businesses and groups to broadcast messages to passersby. Datzing’s system essentially behaves the same way as Apple’s iBeacon: when a user is in range of a beacon, their phone will receive a notification in the Datzing app.
Improved Security Could ‘Sell’ Mobile Payments to Consumers (Screenwerk)
Greg Sterling: While there are a number of mobile payment methodologies, generally speaking, mobile payments are more secure than card swipes. And in may situations the merchant or its employees don’t gain access to the card number directly. Such a payment scenario would have prevented the fraud above.
Local SEO Scam Of The Month: Craigslist SEO (SearchEngineLand)
Most SEO consultants I have met are pretty decent, hard-working folks. But there are plenty of SEO con artists out there, and it kills me every time I see a small business (or a big business) get taken. The next time you find yourself looking for a SEO consultant on Craigslist, perhaps try looking for that person you had a split-second of eye contact with at 24 Hour Fitness instead.
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