LBMA Podcast: YP, Digby, and Lawrence Coburn of DoubleDutch
Welcome to This Week in Location Based Marketing, a weekly video podcast from the Location Based Marketing Association. On the show: A location-based condom finder from Skore of India; EClips changes the coat check; buys Sense Networks; Digby launces LocalPoint 2.0; Chevrolet partners with Priceline to offer hotels on the go; Biz Stone releases Jelly; Our Mobile Minute with Chuck Martin looks at the car as the ultimate location commerce medium; Our app of the week is Packnada for the travel crowd; Our resource of the week answers the question of what is your price to give up your location; Our special guest of the week is Lawrence Coburn of DoubleDutch.
Episode 164
Recorded: January 10, 2014
Hosts: Rob Woodbridge & Asif Khan
Show highlights:
A few announcements
– Do you have a location based marketing question? Ask us here and we’ll answer it on an upcoming show.
A Mobile Minute with Chuck Martin: Location based commerce and the connected car (4:00)
Special guest of the week: Lawrence Coburn DoubleDutch (24:15)
App fascination of the week: Packnada (7:15)
Top news of the week
1. Indian condom company SKORE launches location-based Android app to find condoms (10:10)
2. EClips – RFID Light Clip Coat Check System (14:30)
3. buys Sense Networks (17:55)
4. Digby launches LocalPoint 2.0 (31:45)
5. Chevy teams up with Priceline for hotel bookings (35:40)
6. Biz Stone launches Jelly (39:45)
Resource of the week: 77% of Shoppers OK with Sharing Location for Targeting, IF… (48:35)