LBMA Podcast: Chuck Martin on ‘Mobile Influence’
Welcome to This Week in Location Based Marketing, a weekly video podcast from the Location Based Marketing Association, with hosts Rob Woodbridge and Asif Khan. In this week’s episode, Chuck Martin stops by to talk about his new book Mobile Influence; eBay turns windows into stores; Shopify turns e-tailers into retailers; The LBMA creates the world’s first human heatmap logo; Wikipedia goes local with content; Rogers partners with FiveStars on Vicinity; Free wifi with Scrabble; Pak ‘n Save makes the shopper the DJ; and local mobile is exploding according to Business Insider.
Episode 133
Recorded: June 7, 2013
Hosts: Rob Woodbridge & Asif Khan
Show highlights:
A few announcements
– We wrote (part of) a book! The Everything Guide to Mobile Apps and it is available for order now!
– If you’d like to leave a message for us to play on the show, leave it here
Featured Guest
Chuck Martin, author of Mobile Influence: The New Power of the Consumer, about the importance of physical location (29:30)
Fascination of the week: Mobile Influence: The New Power of the Consumer (6:00)
Top news of the week
1. eBay’s Shoppable windows + Shopify‘s Popify temporary stores (9:15)
2. LBMA + Lancome augmented reality project (18:50)
3. FiveStars partners with Rogers Communications to create Vicinity (24:25)
4. Wikipedia launches “nearby” feature (36:55)
5. Scrabble for free wifi in Paris (40:25)
6. Pak’ n Save – Shoppers become DJs New Zealand (44:40)
Resource of the Week
Business Intelligence Report on the explosion of local mobile marketing (51:35)