PODCAST: This Week in Location-Based Marketing — Locationary
Welcome to This Week in Location Based Marketing, a weekly video podcast from the Location Based Marketing Association. In this week’s episode, hosts Rob Woodbridge and Asif Khan bring you stories on Listia and FrontFlip; a deep dive into what Facebook Graph Search means to location; and Rob’s latest obsession app called Moves. Plus special guest Grant Ritchie, founder and CEO of Locationary, and our resource of the week from Forrester.
Episode 114
Recorded: January 25, 2013
Hosts: Rob Woodbridge & Asif Khan
(see all the episodes)
Show highlights:
1. Rob’s latest obsession is…MOVES, the app that tracks your steps and location (5:00)
2. Listia partners with BestBuy (8:14)
3. A deep dive into the implications of Facebook Graph Search on location (14:10)
4. Launch of The Hunt – new web app for gamifying shopping (22:21)
5. Beidou mandated on commercial vehicles in China (27:57)
6. Launch of RinkWatch in Canada (31:00)
Featured Guest
Grant Ritchie, founder and CEO of Locationary (35:00)
Resource of the Week
Proximity payment is fastest-growing segment of mobile payments: Forrester (42:40)