Street Fight Daily: 02.24.12

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.

The Holy Grail of Rich Location Data Made Easy by Geoloqi (ReadWriteWeb)
The holy grail of mobile geo-location services is persistent, aware, real-time data delivered straight to your device. It is incredibly difficult to pull off. Especially if the idea is to, “give you vision beyond the Greek gods.” Accuracy, battery life and location-aware push messaging are hard to build and even harder to implement on a scalable basis. Portland-based startup Geoloqi thinks it can pull it off.

The Newsonomics of Hyperlocal’s Next Round: Patch, Digital First, and More (Nieman Lab)
Ken Doctor: It’s easy to get cynical about hyperlocal news on the web. People have been working to figure out a scalable model to support it for years. But news-model fatigue shouldn’t be mistaken for permanent failure — it’s just that no one has yet found success.

9 Ways B2Bs Can Excel With Location-Based Social Media (LunaMetrics)
Brian Honigman: B2B companies don’t often see how location based social platforms like Foursquare, SCVNGR or Facebook Places can benefit them or their customers. However, there are numerous opportunities for these type of companies to market themselves, its just harder to identify the strategies that’ll help draw the same results a B2C company would see using these social channels.

One Local NYT Partner Fails as Another Regroups (Reflections of a Newsosaur)
Alan Mutter: Evidently beguiled by seeing their stories in the pages of the New York Times, two high-profile journalism start-ups failed at building sufficient audience for their own brands. Now, one of the two philanthropically backed ventures is folding and the other is seeking to merge with a neighboring non-profit that was wise enough over the years to cultivate multiple audiences and diversified financial support to sustain its important journalistic work.

The Hyperlocal News Model (ASNE)
The news, information and advertising business is in search of a hyperlocal website model that works. The want is simple; the solutions are not. There’s the corporation model like AOL’s Patch. Or the corporation-as-startup model like There are partnerships between the legacy newspapers and entrepreneurial local websites. There are “mom-and-pop” websites that serve specific audiences or geographies. What obstacles do legacy media face that entrepreneurial startups don’t — and what lessons can we learn?

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