Street Fight Daily: 11.08.11

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.

Daily-Deal Sites Face Problems Ahead, Report Says (Wall Street Journal)
The buzz of the daily-deal industry – soaring after Friday’s IPO of trailblazer Groupon – may not last long, according to one research firm that polled online shoppers. Forrester Research e-commerce analyst Sucharita Mulpuru says in report that the deal sites “face challenges that threaten to slow down, if not end their businesses.”

Starbucks Taps China’s Foursquare for Holiday Check-in Campaign (Ad Age)
While Foursquare slowly experiments with near-field communication technologies here in the U.S., one of its Chinese lookalikes is rolling out a massive NFC-powered campaign in Eastern China. Jiepang, one of several Chinese location-based apps, is partnering with Starbucks on a giant holiday promotion utilizing near-field communication.

Groupon, Yelp Sued Over Mobile Commerce Patent (PaidContent)
Investors are not the only ones who see Groupon as a money maker these days. In a lawsuit filed today, a California company is claiming the daily-deal site’s mobile shopping apps infringe its location technology. Court records show that the plaintiff also filed a similar suit against review site Yelp.

6 Tips for Supporting Digital News Through Advertising (MediaShift)
Dorian Benkoil: One of the toughest ways to support a digital news operation is via advertising. Over my years working in advertising, helping many and talking to many others, I’ve learned a number of key lessons. The ones below focus mainly on lean startups with small staffs but hold true for larger sites as well.

Stations Can Turn Local Digital Dimes Into Dollars (TVNewsCheck)
Gordon Borrell: Local broadcasters’ $1.8 billion in local online ad revenue this year might represent only the visible portion of the Internet iceberg. A TVB survey found that 61% of the local businesses surveyed said they expected their expenditures on digital media to grow in 2011.

For Hyperlocal News Sites, Strength in Numbers (American Journalism Review)
About nine months ago, the publishers of several hyperlocal news Web sites started a Facebook group. While each of their operations focused on very distinct communities, they realized they all were wrestling with common problems: ad sales, technological challenges, social media. Through their discussion, they realized maybe working together would make all of their lives easier.

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