Street Fight Daily: 08.17.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.
Mobile location service Localmind lets you use your phone to ask questions of people who are hanging out at a restaurant, bar, park or other venue. With yesterday’s update to the app, Localmind users can now send photos in response to questions, answer questions older than real time and get forwarded all questions for places they are regulars at. (ReadWriteWeb)
Foursquare has added photos inline with checkins in an update to its iPhone application Tuesday. The new version adds color to the activity stream and refreshes the look and feel of the app. (Mashable)
The NBC-owned station in Philadelphia has teamed up with Foursquare to bring local news reporting to the check-in service. While NBC 10 is already posting traditional Foursquare tips — “Crab fries, good eats and lots of TV” at Chickie’s & Pete’s — it will now have reporters post news updates at different locations in the market. (Lost Remote)
Signpost, the largest self-serve daily deal provider, has announced the launch of its new subscription-based Merchant Center platform. For a flat monthly fee, registered merchants can now initiate an unlimited number of customized daily deals and retain all associated revenue. (Daily Deal Media)
Sony’s new handheld console, the Playstation Vita, includes support for Foursquare. (TechCrunch)
Business listings identity management provider Localeze is bringing its local search listings to Inergize Digital’s hyperlocal directory Seek it Local. The partnership allows Inergize to access Localeze’s premium business content, including business-verified and managed listings which have been enhanced directly by local businesses. (NetNewsCheck)
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