Yext Expands into Rich Content With Expanded Listings
Yext has rolled out a new feature called Power Listings +, which brings rich content lists to its existing Power Listings product. Businesses can now syndicate staff bios, event calendars, and product availability information in real time across a network of search engines, mapping services, and mobile apps as part of their existing subscription.
Why Location Is Key to Mobile Monetization
As location becomes an ever bigger opportunity in mobile, a few questions are worth digging into further. One of those is how precise that location data is. Another important topic is the way success is measured in a local campaign aimed at driving offline actions, whether a call or an in-store visit…
Location + Mobile + Ads: Verve CEO Says People Are Set to Get It
“I think 2013 is the year that people will begin understand that mobile advertising will soon be the premium channel for all digital advertising,” says Verve Mobile’s chief, Tom MacIsaac. “If you want to reach users when they are out and about, interacting with the real world, closer to the buying decision than ever before, mobile will be the preferred channel. Mobile will begin to do to online advertising what online did to print.”
National Advertisers: Time to Get Local
“Local” is often thought to be synonymous with SMBs. In many media like television, however, huge portions of the local ad spend is from national brands buying up geographically specific advertising inventory. The same thing is happening in mobile. The projected growth in local mobile ad spending will mostly come from national advertisers that localize campaigns…