The Last 2025 Predictions Article You Need to Read

The Last 2025 Predictions Article You Need to Read

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Admit it…  We’re all getting a little tired of seeing the “Greatest Hits & Stats of 2024” and the “Predictions for 2025” articles that are proliferating throughout the media.  And, most of us are now scrolling and scanning rather than spending massive amounts of time reading and ruminating. So here, in snackable form, is the […]

What I Saw in 2024: 10 MULO Trends and Predictions Street Fight

What I Saw in 2024: 10 MULO Trends and Predictions

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As a journalist, I’m used to telling the stories that others pitch to me. (BTW…keep sending me your stats and news throughout 2025! You can reach me at [email protected].) Indulge me for a few minutes while I offer my perspectives on the year of MULO (multi-location) brands based on everything I’ve gathered. Here are my predictions […]

How Will You Advertise in 2025? Here's What 3 Industry Leaders Predict Street Fight

How Will You Advertise in 2025? Here’s What 3 Industry Leaders Predict

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As part of our 2025 predictions series, we reached out to three companies that specialize in new (and refined conventional) ways to advertise to consumers. They are all relevant to MULO (multi-location) brands, along with targeted creator marketing, retail media, and other new (and old) forms of marketing. As streaming media becomes a more significant […]

Holidays 2024 Installment 6 Christy Parrish Predicts the Spending Future Street Fight

Holidays 2024 Installment 6: Christy Parrish Predicts the Spending Future

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Christy Parrish is the Senior Director of Client Partnerships at Cordial, shares her 2024 Holiday Shopping Predictions in Street Fight’s exclusive interview. With a focus on customer behavior and channel preferences, Parrish delivers unique insights for retailers navigating the season What is your #1 shopping prediction for this holiday season? In her Holiday Shopping Predictions  […]

Holidays 2024 Installment 1 Megan Harbold Predicts the Spending Future Street Fight

Holidays 2024 Installment 1: Megan Harbold Predicts the Spending Future

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We recently announced that because the holidays are a huge and complex spending season for MULO (multi-location) brands we are reaching out to industry leaders for their predictions about holidays 2024. Our first perspective is from a company with a broad and deep understanding of spending data and today’s marketing strategies and tactics. Skai VP […]

Holidays 2024: MULO Experts Predict the Spending Future Street Fight

Holidays 2024: MULO Experts Predict the Spending Future

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Although pumpkins currently line store shelves and turkeys are being prepped for November, retailers, restaurants, and service businesses (like spas, salons, and venues that sell gift certificates) have been thinking about the December holidays for a long time. This year, consumers are expected to spend about $241B, setting a new record. Seasonal spending is about […]

A Dozen Predictions for Multi-Location Brands

A Dozen Predictions for Multi-Location Brands

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Over the past few years, we’ve seen cosmic shifts in consumer shopping and dining behaviors. Our lives have been forever changed by the pandemic and the proliferation of a wide range of technologies (not to mention supply chain challenges).  Our focus on multi-location brands qualifies us as futurists, so here are some of our observations […]

5 Martech Trends That Will Define 2023

5 Martech Trends That Will Define 2023

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As the US follows in the EU’s footsteps, privacy regulations will only play a larger role in marketing in 2023. While the GDPR is still the strongest privacy regulation to date, we will see an increasing number of regulations in the U.S. The best marketers are agile and should be using the coming year to make preparations for the loss of third-party cookies. One thing is clear: decisions must be strategic, privacy-centric, and backed by data.

retail marketing trends 2023

Forecasting the Future: 4 Retail Marketing Trends Coming in 2023

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Retail media, the rise of TikTok, merchandising advances to deal with supply chain constraints, and shortened paths to conversion — these are just four of the trends in 2022 that Street Fight contributors see picking up steam in 2023.

A Bird’s Eye View of Digital Ad Trends in 2023

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What’s in store for 2023? The key word is adaptation: across devices, tools, and channels. Brands and their partners will rely more on first party data, artificial intelligence, and tools to meet the ever-present demand to measure marketing effectiveness. 

The Growing Importance of Retail and Second-Party Data

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Heading into the New Year, there are many moving pieces for both marketers and publishers to consider. Navigating 2022 requires focusing on first- and second-party data, building symbiotic relationships, and thinking strategically about how best to capture audiences. As always, we’ll stay on our toes. Happy New Year!

Digital Privacy

Predictions: First-Party Data, Personalization, and Curated Marketplaces

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Each month, Street Fight sources expert insights from the businesses in our ecosystem on our theme. This month’s theme is 2022 predictions, and our experts share their takes on first-party data, personalization, curated ad marketplaces, and retail media.

Roundup: 2022 Predictions on CTV/OTT and Adtech

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Each month, Street Fight sources expert insights from the businesses in our ecosystem on our theme. This month’s theme is 2022 predictions, and our experts share their takes on B2B streaming advertising, capitalizing on first-party data, ad automation, and digital video content.

Digital Privacy

2022 Predictions: Immersive Tech Edition

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Here are three predictions for what could happen at the intersection of immersive tech and local commerce. And because I often disparage broad predictions that don’t have any teeth, we’ve included action-specific or figure-based statements in each prediction (highlighted in bold).

Roundup: 2022 Adtech & Martech Predictions

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Each month, Street Fight sources expert insights from the businesses in our ecosystem on our theme. This month’s theme is 2022 predictions, and our experts share their takes on measurement and advertising optimization, consumer trust, contextual ads, and marketing with social good as a guiding principle.

2022 Will Reshape the Future of Ad Tech

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ID solutions for the open web are going to be invaluable for publisher monetization, so in 2022 collaboration will dramatically increase. ID partners in 2021 operated in the identity arena like a circular firing squad. Everyone claims their privacy is better than others, and everyone who has a solution wants to say theirs is the only one that works. In reality, all have to work together.

2022 Martech Predictions on Retail Media, CTV/OTT, and Messaging

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Each month, Street Fight sources expert insights from the businesses in our ecosystem on our theme. This month’s theme is 2022 predictions, and our experts share their takes on the growth of retail media, the battle for consumer attention, the growth of CTV/OTT, and the increasing centrality of messaging to marketing.

mobile data

Data Trends for 2021: Overcoming Digital Ad Uncertainty

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With privacy regulations on the horizon, email is a known and comfortable identifier that many consumers self-register and that brands can anonymize in a digital environment with hashed emails for privacy compliance. 

While 2020 has thrown a lot of curve balls, marketers that worked to get their consumer data house in order with an eye on ways to better enable their first-party data for a complete view of their most-desired audiences and buying behaviors will survive and thrive as we head into 2021. The newest technology, data-sharing innovations, and identity resolution algorithms won’t help if you don’t have the basics down.

Predictions 2017: Attribution Is Next

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Sponsored Content: The companies who prove that their media is better at driving in-store visits will reap the benefits. Measurement will not come from the vendor itself but rather from third-party measurement firms decoupled both from the buying and selling of advertising and from the platforms on which the media runs.

In 2016, the Local Economy Is No Longer Local

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Yes, we still shop at local stores, but the Walmart in the nearby shopping plaza isn’t the only competitor the local store needs to keep an eye on. Increasingly, it’s a host of online vendors and the growing crop of on-demand startups that have become an indelible feature of the local business landscape — both enablers and usurpers of their merchant partners.