Parking Startup’s Solution Keeps Shoppers In-Store Longer
Retailers have spent millions strategizing about which location-based marketing and cross-channel personalization tactics are most successful in increasing dwell times, but a startup based out of Miami thinks the answer retailers are looking for is actually right outside their front doors.
Street Fight Daily: Foursquare’s Machine Learning-Based Attribution, Duopoly’s Damage Control
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… Spotify, TGI Friday’s Enlist Foursquare for Machine Learning-Backed Measurement… Facebook Demands Advertisers Have Consent for Email/Phone Targeting… Google Reboots Advertising Tools to Give Users More Control Over Their Data…
LBMA Podcast: Life360 buys PathSense, Facebook’s AR camera
On the show: MyPark app, Josera campaing, Phoenix Contract + Favendo, eBay’s new AR tool, Shazam teams up with Glenlivet.