Raptive Connects Brands to Diverse Creator Media Street Fight

Raptive Connects Brands to Diverse Creator Media

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When Raptive, which describes itself as a “creator media” company, launched Raptive Represents earlier this month to provide direct access to premium, diverse creator media at scale, it was also part of its partnership with Media Framework’s Media Advertising Vendor Encoding & Nomenclature (MAVEN). MAVEN helps buyers understand which media are majority-owned and controlled by diverse owners and supplies certificates so […]

Street Fight Daily: Facebook Suffers Data Collection Setback Abroad, Pitfalls of Location Tech for Brands

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… Facebook Gets Slap on the Wrist from 2 European Privacy Regulators… Brands: Prioritizing Location-Based KPIs Can Have Its Drawbacks… Uber Won’t Be Forced to Stop Developing Self-Driving Cars During Its Lawsuit with Alphabet…

Street Fight Daily: Verizon May Renegotiate Yahoo Deal, Facebook Tweaks Audience Metrics

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… Verizon Says Yahoo Hack Could Reopen $4.8 Billion Deal Talks… Facebook Tweaks Audience Network to Favor Advertiser Metrics… Google Rolls Out New Tech for Publishers to Count Mobile Viewability…