Shoppability is the New Black

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But like many Covid-driven trends, shoppable content has been accelerated by shifting circumstances. And now it’s on a collision course with the holiday season. This means that the companies that are positioned to capture that spend will reap the rewards this year. We’ve seen much jockeying in the ad tech world for this very reason.

LBMA: Old Spice Goes Wild with Snapchat at Walmart

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers Old Spice going wild with Snapchat at Walmart, Toronto’s Art Heist scavenger hunt, United Airlines using PayPal QR codes for in-flight payments, and Starfield Hanam shopping mall in Korea launching an interactive video wall campaign.

How to Revamp Your First-Party Data Strategy with Privacy in Mind

How to Revamp Your First-Party Data Strategy with Privacy in Mind

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Instead of relying on tedious workarounds or shaky inferences, marketers can build zero- and first-party data experiences that let customers tell the brand explicitly what kind of personalization they want.

5 Pillars of Strong Tech Thought Leadership

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Communications professionals and tech executives often ask what distinguishes strong tech thought leadership from pitches that miss the mark. Here are five pillars of high-quality tech thought leadership to guide would-be thought leaders to success.

Holiday Insights: Mobile Strategy and Interactive Advertising

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Each month, Street Fight sources experts insights from the businesses in our ecosystem on our theme. This month’s theme is the Hybrid Holidays, and our experts share their takes on mobile strategy, interactive advertising, customer service, and empathetic messaging.

LBMA: Home Depot Hires Walmart to Deliver Goods

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers Home Depot hiring Walmart to deliver goods, Albert Heijn looking to monetize its app/web customers with Google-like ads, Apple upping its game with enhanced “find my phone” location features, and Playfair Group bringing a mobile jukebox to seniors.

Why Deep Linking is a Must for M-Commerce Marketers this Holiday Season

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The 2021 Adobe Digital Economy Index reported that 60% of online retail website visits in August 2020 came from smartphones, which now account for 40% of all online sales. It’s undeniable; mobile commerce — or m-commerce — will be a major factor in retailers’ success this holiday shopping season.

LBMA: Etsy Launches a Virtual AR Showroom

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers Uber Eats rolling out pumpkin delivery in 3 cities, Lancome debuting a virtual pop-up store in the UK with ByondXR, Reveal Mobile acquiring MIRA, Kantar and Route joining forces on OOH measurement, and Esty launching a virtual AR showroom with The Etsy House.

Stop Flying Blind: Why Closed Feedback Loops Matter More Than Ever

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These changes have a lot of marketers feeling like they’re flying blind, but you don’t have to stay lost in the fog. Instead, you can use automated surveys to take your customers’ pulse, establish a solid baseline, and execute a closed-loop feedback strategy to continuously improve. This approach will give you the key metrics you need to consistently deliver a great customer experience in three steps.

What Becomes of Brand Identity in a World of Changing IDs?

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Branding is in the eye of the beholder. Or, as Al Ries and Jack Trout’s classic marketing text Positioning, the Battle for your Mind puts it, a brand’s positioning is the space it occupies in the mind of the prospect. Decades of the world’s best marketing leaders and agency pros have rallied around this definition. If it’s true, what happens to measuring brand identity and positioning with the dramatic shift in one of the best attribution tools marketers have ever known?

How Human-to-Human Marketing Can Counter the Labor Shortage and Drive Q4 Growth

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In times of economic uncertainty, local communities look to support their own, ensuring businesses stay open and neighborhoods stay strong. What most brands miss is that they are a legitimate part of the community fabric and can leverage their place in that fabric as a marketing and sales asset.

Smart Brand Strategy in an Endemic Era: How to Effectively Gain Trust

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The future of brand strategy is all about increasing engagement with quality interactions in a way that inspires loyalty and trust from a brand’s prospective audience.

LBMA: 605 and PlaceIQ Partner Up

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers 605 and PlaceIQ’s partnership, Logiq introducing a geofencing platform, Robomart launching a mobile store-hailing platform, and MoodMedia acquiring PlayNetwork.

How Brands Can Rock TikTok to Reach Gen Z

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The bottom line for brands is that by being strategic about platform priorities, emphasizing authenticity, and nurturing organic social, marketers can reach the influential Gen Z audience they need to survive and thrive.

Google Local Search Trends III: Socialization

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In this third of four installments in my series on recent and ongoing trends in local search, I want to focus on signs that Google’s local platform — comprising Google My Business, Google Maps, and the local component of Google Search — has become, under our noses, a massive social network. Google has achieved this status not through traditional methods of connecting users to each other, but by allowing and encouraging users to share their experiences, questions, and opinions about local businesses in a variety of forms and at a massive scale.

Google’s Latest Privacy Play Has Big Implications for the Open Web

Broadening Local: Expert Roundup

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A trio of local search experts expound on the latest in the industry. Claire Carlile proposes Google My Business as a CMS and covers how businesses should approach the channel; Miriam Ellis explores the increasingly blurred lines between different categories of sites and businesses; and Damian Rollison delineates the major trends shaping the trajectory of local search, especially on Google.

How Consumers Feel About First-Party Data

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More than 90% of marketers believe leveraging first-party data to better understand their customers is critical to growth. But how do consumers feel about sharing their personal information — which is how marketers capture first-party data?

Now’s Not The Time To Cut Back On Marketing. Here’s What To Do Instead

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Businesses that withdraw from marketplace visibility have a much harder time, and find it far more expensive in the long run, to regain customers once they start re-engaging, with market share declining even after they resume advertising. So, while cutting back marketing spend can help address some short-term bottom-line issues, it will create significant challenges to long-term sustainability.

New Year, Same Challenge: Content is the Key to Another Digital Holiday Season for Retailers

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With the Delta variant bringing a second unwelcome wave of apprehension and disruption, the vision we all looked forward to a year ago — the return to a normal holiday season — is dissipating before our eyes. Online shopping will be the main go-to again this time around, with businesses and consumers facing many familiar, and a few unfamiliar, factors this year.

Privacy versus Paid Content: What Are We Willing to Sacrifice?

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To the naked eye, technologies and laws allowing consumers more control are absolutely and unequivocally good. Who would oppose privacy protection laws and self-imposed regulations apart from those who are exploiting the lack of privacy, right? But what is the end goal we are trying to achieve, and what is the price we are “paying” in the process?