Ad Tech and Privacy

Marketing in 2022: Data Privacy, Multichannel Engagement, and Tool Centralization

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As marketers kick off 2022, they should be on the lookout for three key trends: the shift to first-party data, the increasing importance of multichannel engagement, and the centralization of marketing tools currently causing app fatigue.

Location-Based Marketing Association: Precisely Acquires PlaceIQ

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association discusses Vibes launching a “Mobile Wallet as a Channel” service, Precisely acquiring PlaceIQ, OnQ giving shoppers control of in-store displays, and ESRI introducing it’s ArcGIS indoor positioning system.

Google Search and the Long Pandemic

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As 2021 stretched on, with its vaccine controversies and mutating variants, we realized we were really just living through an indefinite phase in the middle of a long pandemic. Consumer habits, rather than getting back to normal, were settling in to a battle-weary pattern of compromise. It seemed unlikely that local search data would tell us much we didn’t already know. But it turns out the data tells a somewhat encouraging story.

How Augmented Reality Will Change the Way Brands Capture Consumer Attention

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The smartphone camera and augmented reality are poised to usher in a new era of branding and advertising and will change the way brands capture consumer attention by expanding the user experience, increasing brand reach, and creating new forms of collectible content.

Putting Power Back in the Hands of Advertisers This Year

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The time is ripe for advertisers to take control of their data to make more powerful connections with consumers while improving transparency, engagement, and ROI. As advertising decision makers demand more, the ecosystem is ready to challenge outdated approaches to data and attribution, a groundswell that is certain to achieve positive outcomes in the year to come.

“Returnless” Refund and Automatic Return Approval: Should Sellers Embrace Them?

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ALL online merchants—not just those in the Amazon Marketplace—need to look at simplifying customer-facing processes like returns. An easier return process means happier customers, reduced friction, and fewer chargebacks.

4 Steps to Build the Ultimate Consent Management Platform

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This guide will show you exactly how to increase consumer consent and safely monetize data, including best practices based on changing global regulatory requirements and cross-device management. You’ll learn how to build the ultimate CMP, which will empower your marketing and privacy teams to help your organization meet consent requirements.

The 4 Ad Tech Trends Mobile Marketers Need to Understand In 2022

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2022 will be a year for the mobile advertising industry to find its footing again — and an opportunity for fast-moving players to stake new claims. The momentum these trends — contextual advertising, machine learning, consolidation, and bidding in lieu of the waterfall — have accrued over the past few months suggests there are ways to prepare yourself for what’s coming, whatever that may be.

How Will the Metavearth Materialize?

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Back to the metaverse’s meaning, concrete definitions are elusive … mostly because they don’t exist yet. But broadly speaking, there are two metaverse tracks. One involves virtual and synchronous worlds. The other adds digital dimension and context to the physical world. Both will take years to materialize.

Location-Based Marketing Association: Vendasta Acquires MatchCraft

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association discusses Catalina partnering with Place IQ, Japanese dating agency Matching Advisor Press using vending machines to find matches, Seattle launching an NFT Museum, and Here Technologies launching Indoor Map as a service.

5 Tips for Maximizing Your Performance CTV Strategy

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From an advertising standpoint, OTT has some inherent advantages, especially for performance marketers. In the linear world, advertisers have to find programs or channels that over-index against the desired audience. On OTT, this audience filtering is done pre-bid. That means if you want to reach audiences who are in-market for a product or service, you can use real data to reach that exact audience with very little waste because of the dynamic ad insertion.

Valid Consent: Building Trust and Demonstrating Compliance

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Let’s explore how marketers, privacy professionals, and data managers can work together to obtain valid proof of consent, and why it’s critical to activate consent, preferences, and first-party data in a way that honors consumer privacy.

What’s Next for Personalization and Digitization in E-Commerce

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We’ll see the evolution of two major e-commerce trends in 2022. First, e-commerce retailers will work to make their digital homes less of a copy of every other e-commerce site and more of a destination that users want to spend time at. Second, the line between brick-and-mortar and digital is going to become fuzzier and less defined.

How Do the “Other” Search Engines Handle Local Search?

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I wanted to look in particular at search engines other than Google and their treatment of local search. I was intrigued by the recent announcements that Bing was making forays into product inventory as a component of local search as well as the launch of Bing Travel, a Google Travel competitor but with a very different approach to destination-based search and discovery. Similarly, recent news about the exponential growth of Brave and DuckDuckGo in our era of privacy impelled me to find out more about their handling of local results.

Location-Based Marketing Association: Indoor Maps as a Service

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association discusses Catalina partnering with Place IQ, Japanese dating agency Matching Advisor Press using vending machines to find matches, Seattle launching an NFT Museum, and Here Technologies launching Indoor Map as a service.

TV Advertising Versus Social and Search

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TV ads are delivered to consumers in a clutter-free environment, where the consumer is usually in a “leaned back,” focused state of being. TV ads are often delivered via 60″+ TV screens with full surround-sound audio, creating an immersive “sight, sound, motion” impact like no other medium. Of course TV drives better recall! And if TV ads drive better recall, basic logic would conclude that TV ads also drive better consumer response.

2021 Lessons That Should Inform Your 2022 E-Commerce Marketplace Strategy

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This digital-first mindset applies more pressure than ever on brands to create a holistic online experience in 2022, one that combines tried and true business strategies with creative new methods for enhanced visibility and customer experience. Success will come down to three critical elements in the year ahead: brand discoverability, compelling offers, and seamless customer experiences.

5 Ways Data Privacy Will Evolve in 2022

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But the glut of new solutions does not mean that martech, much less the private sector as a whole, has figured out how to prepare for the future of data privacy. Here are five privacy predictions to keep an eye on in 2022. It would be in your best interest to determine how you and your company are affected.

The Growing Importance of Retail and Second-Party Data

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Heading into the New Year, there are many moving pieces for both marketers and publishers to consider. Navigating 2022 requires focusing on first- and second-party data, building symbiotic relationships, and thinking strategically about how best to capture audiences. As always, we’ll stay on our toes. Happy New Year!

Location-Based Marketing Association: Apple Wallet IDs Hit the TSA

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association discusses TSA supporting Apple Wallet IDs starting in June, Locatify and Swiss agency Melt launching location-based audio walking tours, Irish retailers getting into recycling with AI-based reverse vending machines, and Unilever’s Lifebuoy using real-time mobile data to help Indonesians stay safe during Covid.