All Geotargeting Methods Are Not Created Equal

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The social-mobile-local movement will most certainly drive even stronger interest in and use of geotargeting. But with all the options available, what factors dictate when marketers should use one method over another? It depends on what message they want to convey to whom and when, along with how much contact and engagement they want with the consumer…

Deep Data and the Semantics of Local

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In the case of local search, there is no prevailing reason beyond lack of attention to prevent the industry from doing a better job of serving the full range of consumer needs. For the time being, industry attention is still directed in a self-fulfilling way toward the activities that have always received attention. This is the safe bet, but safe bets don’t lead to progress…

Aligning Creative and Location to Make Better Mobile Ads

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The ability to break creative down to where the consumer is interacting with location is already emerging as the next big trend for mobile marketing. Hand selecting where you want your creative to reach your customer makes a lot of sense — and the more you make it common practice, the more successful your mobile marketing efforts will be…

Why Online Marketers Are Rethinking Their Yelp Strategy

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Merchants have historically been wary of Yelp reviews — and for good reason. Yelpers have tended to be snarky and more focused on humor than accuracy. But there are changes coming at the end of 2012 that are likely to make many marketing pros reevaluate their relationship to the user-generated reviews site…

The Long Tail of Local Search

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Far from invisible tools that merely get you to the store or service you want, local search products actually tell a story about the needs local search companies think they are trying to fulfill, demonstrating in some cases a stark contrast between the actual habits of the local consumer and the assumptions of local apps and websites…

Why Leveraging Location Is the Key to Success in Mobile Advertising

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Both smartphone and tablet users are searching for locally relevant content at an increasing rate, so much so that mobile user experience as a whole has been affected by the need for location-based information. Mobile networks have seen a massive increase in local search traffic this year, affecting mobile advertising in a big way. Yet the vast majority of mobile advertising doesn’t grasp what it means to be truly local.

Mobile Local Monetization Is Starting to Happen — For Real This Time

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Facebook’s mobile Sponsored Story is already showing boosted performance over display ads. For many others, the mobile-first principle will come from location targeting, as its congruence with the use case similarly boosts performance and thus ad rates. For that and other reasons, I’ve forecast location-based ads to lead mobile ad revenues by 2016…

Getting Location Analytics Up to Speed for the Mobile Ad Revolution

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The inability to apply value to the key differentiator of mobile (location) is part of the reason why mobile CPMs are still at 20% of desktop CPMs. It’s critical that media buyers push mobile inventory sources to provide location analytics that enable them to make buying decisions based on the unique features associated with mobile…

How Mobile Is Transforming Local Marketing

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By using mobile-location data and predictive analytics, advertisers can reach users with deals based upon where they work, live and socialize. If a relevant ad is delivered and the transaction can be completed in one-or-two clicks, mobile advertising will provide what local merchants are willing to pay for – real sales results…

Ex-Patch EIC: Journatic Illustrates Cost/Quality Issue in Hyperlocal

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If I were to prescribe Journatic a fix for this recent ailment (beyond, you know, not faking bylines anymore), it would be to show a real investment in journalism, in all senses of that word. We get that you’re “-atic” — cost savvy and operationally slick. How bout showing everyone you can also be “Journo”, and slow down and do some meaningful work? It might be money well spent…

Why Loyalty Programs Are Broken — And How to Fix Them

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The customer loyalty vertical is red-hot. Startups from Silicon Valley to Chicago are working hard to innovate in this area, and, in so doing, are revolutionizing the way brick-and-mortar businesses do business. But startups need to look beyond the simple punch-card model and expand their loyalty products to include features that will effectively influence customer behavior…

The Five Fundamentals of Deals Success for Local Media Companies

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Many local media companies have not structured their daily deals programs appropriately or put the necessary resources behind them. While there is no silver bullet to guaranteed deals success, we have used our experience working with more than 400 local media companies to develop a model that breaks down the five most important factors to creating a successful deals program…

Can Local Save Mobile Ads?

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Oversupply of ad inventory on mobile could lead to the kind of runaway commoditization of display ads that developed on desktop over the past decade. The result: tanking CPMs. So how do we avoid that in mobile?

Can Tech Innovations Bring Revenue for Hyperlocal Publishers?

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What innovations can help startup news sites earn money? How should hyperlocal publishers decide what technology to use? These are constant questions at the Journalism Accelerator, a website focused on crowdsourcing knowledge to help journalism find new, sustainable financial models. In a recent conversation Street Fight’s David Hirschman and CJR’s Michael Meyer talked with JA about some of these issues…

For Daily Deals Sites, It’s Evolve or Die

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Today’s daily deal sites are experimenting with every variation and vertical for their offerings — they know that not only is disruption on the horizon, but their own expiration date is as well. And it won’t be a new entrant into the deals space that ends them; instead it will likely be a very familiar brand entering local advertising: Google, PayPal, Square, or one of the other numerous payment services companies…

Feet on the Street: How Hyperlocals Can Enhance Local Sales Outreach

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Building a successful local sales force takes more than just placing bodies in coverage areas. To be truly effective, salespeople must create strong ties in their target community through outreach. These ties create an authenticity that is invaluable when it comes to establishing a lasting local presence…

Will eBay Be the Next Giant in Local?

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It’s not just about where users are spatially, or what device they’re on. It’s a function of where they are in the proverbial purchase funnel — the increasingly convoluted path between offline and offline worlds that leads from awareness to purchase. “The boundaries between the physical and digital world have disappeared, says WHERE’s Walt Doyle, “and the purchase funnel has become a purchase pretzel.”

Should All Ad Impressions on Mobile Devices Really Count as ‘Mobile?’

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For mobile advertising to reach its true potential the industry needs to start looking more closely at the nature of a mobile impression and applying more scalable and accurate ways to target users. The current one-size-fits-all approach is simply not going to work as users are increasingly cutting the cord and relying entirely on their tablets or phones…

When Big Brands Go Local, They Need to Think Social

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Social networks have become increasingly relevant in the local search space for consumers. Social’s impact on local search is far from limited to searches performed on local networks, though. It’s also impacting traditional search results, rankings and relevance. Here are three local-social tactics that need to be included in every national brand’s digital strategy…

Report Identifies Elements of Hyperlocal Success in the U.K.

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It is to hyperlocal media’s advantage that it remains a nascent sector which is developing quickly. Unwedded to the business models of the past, hyperlocal has the scope to experiment with different models for content, revenue and community engagement. In doing this, and hyperlocal players have as much to learn from the community development sector as they do from other media outlets…