Top 5 CRO Tools That Will Increase Conversions for Your Small Business

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As a small business, one of your goals should be a clear, compelling, and effective digital marketing strategy. One element of digital marketing that most overlook is conversion rate optimization (also known as CRO). You may already know about CRO, but in case you don’t, it’s easy to understand and take advantage of.

CRO is the process of setting up a website in a way that leads site visitors to take action and purchase products. As a result, they are converted into customers of the business. 

If you have a site that has high traffic, that is naturally a good sign. But it doesn’t mean much unless that traffic leads to conversions. Based on current research, we’ve compiled the top 5 CRO tools that you can use to increase conversions and bring in greater profit.

Begin with an Audit

It’s safe to say that you can’t properly treat a disease without a diagnosis. You can apply the same logic to conversions and CRO. 

To improve your conversion rate, you first have to calculate it. That’s why audits are so important to a successful start with CRO. During a CRO audit for your business, you would look at your current metrics. You would determine how many leads and customers your business is generating based on the online traffic it receives.

An audit will help you calculate your current rate. From there, you would begin using tools and finding solutions. If you do not have an in-house team for your small business that can conduct a comprehensive audit, find a company out there that offers CRO services. 

Once you have an idea of where you currently stand, you can begin to improve your CRO with the following strategies.

1. A/B Testing

One tool that you can use to improve your conversion rate is A/B testing. A/B testing is a research approach used to evaluate user experience. It is especially useful for web design. When it comes to CRO, A/B testing can be used to determine what is and is not working on your website. Landing pages are one of the best types of pages for testing.

A/B testing lets you test variations of your web pages. Testing will determine which variation is most likely to lead to more clicks and more action from site visitors. The most successful variation will lead you to increased conversions. You’ll have a better idea of what version of your site your customers are attracted to.

This type of testing may take time, but it is helpful when it comes to collecting accurate data. It is also possible to conduct this type of research in a smart, affordable way if you know where to look.

2. Workflows

Workflows are important when it comes to running a company, especially a small business. They are useful for increasing productivity and longevity. Automated workflows are becoming increasingly popular and are now possible thanks to advancements in today’s web tech.

When it comes to CRO, automated marketing workflows can make it easier for your sales team to turn leads into customers. For example, you can set up your site to send emails to your sales representatives if a visitor is engaging in high0intent behaviors on your site, such as creating a shopping cart or viewing your pricing page. This makes it easier for leads to transition into customers, thus improving your conversion rate. 

It also allows your sales team to do their jobs more efficiently, which in turn makes your business run better.

3. Live Messaging

Live messaging on your website is another useful tool for Conversion Rate Optimization and for staying in touch with your potential customers. When a visitor comes to your webpage, this tool allows you or a customer support representative to communicate with them in real-time. 

If you need ideas for what types of pages on your website should have this chat feature, two good places to start are your pricing page and your product page. These are both areas that will usually generate a high amount of traffic for a website.

There are different types of messaging tools to use as well. For example, you might want to use one that is based on the user’s actions. If they click on a specific area of the page or stay on a page for a few minutes, a chat window appears for them. This prompts engagement with your brand and company.

4. Lead Flows

If you want to improve your conversion rate, consider adding lead flows to your blog. Lead flows are pop-ups that occur while a visitor is on your blog post. They are designed to be highly engaging and offer some sort of value to potential customers.

There are different styles of lead flows, depending on what you want. For example, you may choose a drop-down banner, a slide-in box, or traditional pop-up. The goal is to find the type that works best for your audience. 

Another good idea for your blog is to optimize the pages that are already high-performing and to drive more traffic to those posts which already produce high conversions.

5. Text-Based CTAs

Call-to-actions (or CTAs) are an important element of digital marketing and CRO. You want to motivate your reader to take action and become a customer. 

We suggest you focus on text-based CTA’s that occur throughout the content, instead of the traditional banner-like CTA that is often placed at the end of the content. Research has shown that when people see banner-like information, they tend to ignore it. 

Placing CTA’s throughout a piece of text has quickly become a popular approach for CRO.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few tools that will assist you in your CRO journey. As you build a successful campaign, make sure to track your progress, and measure your results along the way.

Kurt Philip is the founder and CEO of Convertica.
