Welcome to the New Face of Street Fight
Things are changing rapidly in the world of location-based media and commerce. As a key media and publishing entity at the center of those industries, Street Fight is likewise changing.
Over the coming weeks, you’ll notice new things. Our look and feel has changed to better reflect our publishing goals and persona. You may have already noticed a cleaner and more organized layout. We’ll continue to optimize that, including topical filters and categorization for key topics of location technology.
We’ll start by organizing our coverage into monthly themes, which represent the most impactful topics for you. We’ve already started with themes for January (Beyond the Screen) and February (Word of Mouth). We now roll into March with Targeting Location: a focus on the outlook for location-based advertising.
Each month will then carry a different theme that we’ve laid out in our editorial calendar. Look out for that editorial calendar soon, as it will represent an opportunity for you to plan contributions or participation in Street Fight’s ongoing coverage, thought leadership and published narratives.
Beyond this monthly thematic focus, we’ll continue to cover the entire location technology and media sectors that are Street Fight’s bread and butter. We’ll publish daily articles on the most important and impactful happenings in local, as well as Street Fight Daily, our bi-weekly podcast and white papers.
Speaking of “bread and butter,” Street Fight’s core coverage of location technology, media and marketing also continues to evolve. Even the term “local” that we all use as shorthand will represent new associations for Street Fight. Sometimes correlated to things that are small we conversely want to think big.
Local touches so many areas of media and technology. It includes location-based ad targeting, data science around attribution, search engine marketing, and of course retail commerce—more than 90% of which happens offline in physical stores. Retail is especially in an exciting and transformative period.
Beyond these macro topics in local/location, there are emerging areas of focus that will increasingly transform business strategies and change the game. We’re talking of course about things like AI, voice, augmented reality, the on-demand economy, and other key topics we’ll continue to break down for you.
There are several other parts of our newly established road map that we’ll circle back to tell you about. That includes events and content sponsorship packages (stay tuned). In the meantime, please reach out to me directly with any ideas or opportunities about how you’d like to be part of Street Fight’s action.
Bottom Line: we’ll continue to do what we’ve done from the beginning: educate you on strategies and opportunities in location technology. That now takes new shape and evolves in step with the market around us, but the core thread remains: to be your top daily intelligence source for the business of location.
We look forward to doing just that, and to work with you in 2019 and beyond.